Anon created video for ABCU|8
Video premiers in ~5 mins
Congrats Qbrief…
ABCU|8 Team is good frens with
Keep up the good work!
Together WE Win!
^^^^ Swamp General Thread
Dark side of disney.
Thats just disney stuff ^^^
Ctrl+F in the swamp thread should lead your somewhere.
Dropped It here:
Sorry my net went out!
Got at least 500 interest eyes. via discord groups.
We will see how they do. I gave them your write ups and doc.
Will share all images soon
Lets see, not giving them more direction than sharing currently with the groups.
They need to learn not be told.
>Did the strong frens think the #Obamagate op was successful?
Yes. They were very pleased. @Jack brought the hammer down. But did not stop the message spread just the TREND status.
>Do you think we will do another named operation?
Obamagate is coming back into the light with "ShadowGate" doc
Focus Known Actors Rather than all.
Brennan, Yates (Testimony), Comey, Biden
If more news comes for Strozk Page use them too. But not sure if it will come out before next week.
The other players exist. Review your Q[l]ues.
Remember You have much more than you know.
Re_Read Hillary Emails.
Review ShadowGate Doc and finish connecting the dots.
ITs only paints part of the picture…
I am not promoting info wars.
I am telling you there is truthful content in there. and you need to see and dig to finish the rest of the story.
It dove about as deep as Out of Shadows did…
It is a jumping off point for some digs.