rating: 7/10 imo
style points down (basic meme, basic font, basic colors)
your meme makes the point obvious which is good (increases score); it's funny when the meme is so pretty but the point is not clear haha
sometimes adding your intention statement can strengthen the meme, esp as a rookie
a rookie (or experienced memer) might want to send 1 msg but sends another accidentally so sometimes you can be humble and do like you did here and indicate 'practicing' and 'motivation'. Sometimes jus add it to the meme imo. in this way, you can motivate Newbies to try memeing also. Put yourself out there to encourage others to try. Nobody wants to dance until others are on the dance floor, then it becomes the greatest night kek
some memes are terrible but the msg stays strong for a long time so they become hard to delete kek kinda like that cuomo meme 'imagine'. it's just basic words on a pic but the msg (to me) is haunting so i continue to use it where applicable but it is not pretty kek
sometimes you can have a meme contest amongst your Frens, winner gets $5 or bragging rights. if a rich person sponsors then can do $500 or $5000 and then the artists will compete, then so many great memes get created maybe. who knows the future? we (you and i or sponsor) may not win the $500 but how many memes might be created for such a contest now in the World. so if you take a step back, who did moar a person that did 1 meme or a person who got others to enter 5000 memes into a contest now circulating the World? so there are many ways to help. if the focus is maintained, it can cut a ds ship in half.