Anonymous ID: d48c58 June 20, 2021, 5:32 a.m. No.7504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7575


Contact Your Local Senators and #DemandAudits

The 2020 Election was Stolen, You know it, I know it… The Whole World Knows it.

Time to get vocal and and Demand an Audit of the 2020 Election. IN ALL STATES!!!

Contact your local Senator and Demand an Audit of the 2020 Election; You paid for it.


This is a website of names and numbers of all our US Senators.

Let 'Them' Hear Your Voice!


If you are uncomfortable calling your local senator, use a social network like Twitter.

'They' are all on them.


Thank (You) and God's Strength to all.