Anonymous ID: 8DcbfxGT Nov. 12, 2017, 1:54 p.m. No.149155318   🗄️plebs   >>5729 >>8526 >>1273


What's he been saying all along? Meme. He's asking y'all to correct the record.

>NYT Confirmed propaganda

turn public opinion against NSA/goodguys?

Anonymous ID: 8DcbfxGT Nov. 12, 2017, 2:47 p.m. No.149161380   🗄️plebs


wonder if all those recent media reports of creepy clown sightings were some sort of message


srsly calling 911 just because you saw a clown who the fuck does that go kys

Anonymous ID: 8DcbfxGT Nov. 12, 2017, 2:50 p.m. No.149161716   🗄️plebs


Fn weird that's the 2nd time this has happened


Correspondence and collusion between the New York Times and the CIA

Glenn Greenwald


The rightwing transparency group, Judicial Watch, released Tuesday a new batch of documents showing how eagerly the Obama administration shoveled information to Hollywood film-makers about the Bin Laden raid. Obama officials did so to enable the production of a politically beneficial pre-election film about that "heroic" killing, even as administration lawyers insisted to federal courts and media outlets that no disclosure was permissible because the raid was classified.


Thanks to prior disclosures from Judicial Watch of documents it obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, this is old news. That's what the Obama administration chronically does: it manipulates secrecy powers to prevent accountability in a court of law, while leaking at will about the same programs in order to glorify the president.


But what is news in this disclosure are the newly released emails between Mark Mazzetti, the New York Times's national security and intelligence reporter, and CIA spokeswoman Marie Harf. The CIA had evidently heard that Maureen Dowd was planning to write a column on the CIA's role in pumping the film-makers with information about the Bin Laden raid in order to boost Obama's re-election chances, and was apparently worried about how Dowd's column would reflect on them. On 5 August 2011 (a Friday night), Harf wrote an email to Mazzetti with the subject line: "Any word??", suggesting, obviously, that she and Mazzetti had already discussed Dowd's impending column and she was expecting an update from the NYT reporter.



Anonymous ID: 8DcbfxGT Nov. 12, 2017, 2:56 p.m. No.149162296   🗄️plebs   >>2614

Here's some more stuff to mine for memeage

>Salon i mean really it doesn't get any more bluepilled than that does it?

Anonymous ID: 8DcbfxGT Nov. 12, 2017, 3:17 p.m. No.149164814   🗄️plebs   >>1433


>why is there a department of education?

>why isn't that handled at a loca/statel level where the student's learning needs/cultural considerations are truly understood

>tells you they really care about cultural considerations

>except when they're American culture

Anonymous ID: 8DcbfxGT Nov. 12, 2017, 3:36 p.m. No.149167068   🗄️plebs   >>7280 >>7632


>The prince's banking profile - and the fact he kept most of his money with Citibank - made it a little difficult to accept the Citibank chief John Reed's version of how he came to be the largest shareholder in America's largest bank in 1991. Soon after Prince Al- Waleed stunned the international banking community by bailing out its troubled parent, Citicorp, the bank's chairman told an interviewer that he had 'first stumbled' upon the prince a few months before when he started buying Citicorp shares.


>The controversial investment, which saw the prince buy dollars 590m worth of convertible preferred shares, was announced at the height of the Gulf war and in the midst of a secret rescue of Citibank by American bank regulators.

>at the height of the Gulf war

Anonymous ID: 8DcbfxGT Nov. 12, 2017, 3:52 p.m. No.149168861   🗄️plebs   >>9536

this was posted right about the time the place started looking like an ied at a rave and it piqued my interest

so i'm going to put it back here