Anonymous ID: 34af39 Sept. 5, 2018, 9:02 p.m. No.2308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2310

For Bakers Considering Using a Pastebin Account for IDEN:


To protect you from doxxing, I recommend using a pastebin account with an email that does not link to you via an identifying phone #. Either use an email account verified with a burner phone, or use a privacy-protecting email service that doesn't require a phone # or other identifying info.

Anonymous ID: 34af39 Oct. 14, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.2686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2687


Just click "catalog" at the top of this thread, which takes you to where you can create new threads for this board.

Click "create a thread" and go from there.


When you post a practice bake on /comms/, the links won't be active (red) like they will be on /qresearch/ but you still get to see how posts fit etc., and ask one of us to look at it. I'm over at /qresearch/ now and will keep checking in here if you have questions.

Anonymous ID: 34af39 Oct. 14, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.2693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2701 >>2702


>february, Im learning right now, over on comms, I watched the video, Im confused as to what the file is that gets attached in the board making process. I understand the copy+paste from pastebin and updating it with new notables and moving the old ones to the note list.

Dude, why do you keep calling it "board making?" Kek, if you've been here since Feb, how have you not learned our comms? (You'll also understand we get a lot of shills that attempt to bake, so you'll forgive my goncern.)

The file you attach is our standard Iwo Jima image for each qresearch general thread. Just download it and save from any bread, then re-upload when you create new ones.

Anonymous ID: 34af39 Oct. 14, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.2703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2705


Looks good, man. No worries on the lingo, it takes quite a while to get it all down and we all learned it by trial and error thru posting it and getting corrected, myself included. Just wanted to make sure on the shill thing.


>I fucked up and set the name to Test1 when I was copy+pasting

Yup, just leave all that blank, post into body only on all replies to OP.


I just took over the kitchen on the General so if I don't respond right away to questions that's why. You wanna try gathering notes for a bread and comparing 'em to ours? It will also help you practice as far as timing. When it comes time to post the next bread, do another over here and see if you get it in b4 current thread ends. As long as your notes are about 60% same as another baker's, you're prolly good.

Anonymous ID: 34af39 Oct. 14, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.2708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2712 >>2715


Yeah, then you get a total bread experience from start to finish. You can even post your own notes in qresearch and ask all of us to look at 'em (moar feedback, but you know how anons can be, might give you some bootcamp love)


#Metoo. Bigtime. Baking helps you learn when good enough's good enough tho. Sometimes shit just moves too fast. It's why graveyard is best for perfectionist types like us.


>how many buns until collapsing one into a post for previous notes. im seeing 3-7?

It's a total character limit, so it just depends on the amount of notables in each bun. Just leave enough time when you bake so that if you post a Notables post that's too big (you'll get an error that says 'too big') you just go back to Notepad, trip one more bun off, then post again. After a while, you get an idea how much just by eyeballing it however you have it on your set-up.

Anonymous ID: 34af39 Oct. 14, 2018, 1:02 p.m. No.2713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2714 >>2716 >>3692


Yeah, I see your additions and that looks perfect. Dealing with Q drops can be a challenge, but he never posts in graveyard, and other than that there's always another baker on to help. But you get the idea–you'd just copy-pasta an example from prev. drop for format and switch out the post #'s. And just make sure that if he posts to General you stare at his post long enough to make sure it's his color-changing tripcode (and not the solid green for fake Q.) Make that mistake this week and got ass-fucked for it, kek!

Anonymous ID: 34af39 Oct. 14, 2018, 2 p.m. No.2718   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TIP: Right after I post my ~500 posts notes bundle, I usually go to my "New Thread" window (you can use catalog or index) and get it set up. I copypasta "Q Research General # _ _" from current bread and change the number, rather than risk typing fresh each time ( to reduce typos and number transpositions, since I'm a bit dyslexic). Then load up the General pic and copypasta in the first OP text. Then I go back and check my ~500 notes bundle for any replies and finish gathering.

Anonymous ID: 34af39 Oct. 14, 2018, 2:29 p.m. No.2726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2727 >>2728


Yeah, looks good (new)baker. I didn't include the Feinstein one (which you were unsure about) but I did put the others in. A lot of editorial discretion also comes down to whether you're in a mood to fight for notable purity on a given day. Unless you put a really fake & gay note in, or put too many notes in (over 20) anons usually don't complain over INCLUSION, whereas EXCLUSION can unleash holy hell if the posts not noted are the kind ppl feel like fighting over. Shills will often post things for this purpose. Sometimes you're in the right head space to take the heat, other times you relax standards a bit to keep the peace. The latter is an unfortunate necessity I've come to accept. Important to keep in mind, however, that if we don't keep notables as close to the way autists prefer them (not too much random news or fluff) they will start reeee'ing too and–more important–not have a comfy environment in which to shine. I'm a baker that tends to defend notable purity pretty staunchly–sometimes it's the right call, sometimes not. Notable selection is really where the art of baking is–the rest is just timing of the copypasta.


Really glad you're joining us, thanks bigly. When you're ready to try your first bake on qresearch, just announce you're a new baker interested in doing that, and the other bakers and BO/BV will let you know they're standing by to help, then you'll do handoff just like we all do and go from there.

Anonymous ID: 34af39 Oct. 14, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.2729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2730


Excellent, really happy to have another graveyard baker on the bench. You'll do great. And even if you have a hiccup, don't worry. I'm a confirmed spaz and everyone was very understanding while I worked out the kinks. I'll check in around 12-1am EST and if you're on I can make "introductions."


>>2715, >>2728

Thanks for weighing in and for maintaining this board for us, Rusty. Appreciated.