Aussie frens … my sister (in the US) says that the Australian lock downs are ended. I've scanned through the notables and can't find any CURRENT mention of them. I know that they were horrible … but it seems odd that they would be lifted in silence. Can you help a fellow Anon out? Are they fully gone? Partially lifted? Locked down tight?
>>12098013 (PB)
>Trump has not yet said whether he will attend Biden’s inauguration.
For all practical purposes, there will be no inauguration. According to "Come-Allah-Hear-Us", the inauguration will be "virtual".
Sort of like the Democrat campaign, but with even fewer rented Jeeps.
>>11422013 (PB)
>"We cannot simply stand idly by while the good name of democracy gets flushed down the toilet."
As a citizen of the US from birth til now - 68 uninterrupted years - and having gotten my basic education back in the golden age when "Civics" was a required course to graduate High School (you probably call the 9th through 12th years by some other name), I can assure you that the United States has never been nor, if I have any say in the matter, never will be a "democracy" with all of its connotations of mob rule. We are, and God willing, shall remain a republic. It's baked into our Constitution for which good men died both in the establishing and in the defending.
When you hear an American refer to our nation as a Democracy, know that you are in the presence of an ignorant person, careless with the language we share.
There is a push to eliminate our Electoral College and turn us into a true democracy. That is because tyrants find mobs, driven by emotion, easy to rule.
Is China an authoritarian capitalist government? Capitalism and communism are competing economic systems.
Mr. Turnbull seems inclined to think that it is somehow wrong to protest being cheated. I've never met him, but he strikes me as a despicable weasel who doesn't mind if another man has a go with his wife. After all, to challenge that would be to undermine the legitimacy of marriage. Right?
The processes that are being questioned, Mr. Albanese, are not "democratic values and democratic processes", they are wholesale fraud and the destruction of the value of the most precious franchise any citizen may have … that their fairly cast ballot be respected and not undone by a fraudulent one.
We have a lot of problems in our nation. A lot. And there are multiple forces pushing for violent civil unrest (to speak gently of horrible things). We are endeavoring to resolve them without violence by appealing to our courts. Thus far, those appeals have been futile.
Pray for us, Australia, for it is unlikely that the destruction of our nation - even if wholly from within - will leave any other unscathed.
We, as humans, cannot let this experiment in individual human freedoms fail. There will be no "do over."