These are the new principles laying the foundation for the new globalist narrative based in common sense, service, and alignment. A way to look at all bodies as equal rather than bodies. It is easy to do something that has a positive impact on you and your family, but a negative impact on the environment. It could have one impact on the federal level, but not align down through to the city. Etc. You want all decisions to be good for all bodies or systems.
Don't ask me. Your government, brainwashed me, to do this stuff. I didn't sign up for this. So sucka sucka a dick America and God Bless the Lord.
I shall stomp on thy collective ego from my white house while I smoke a blunt and talk about E.T. with my normal friends
Just so you know. it is what this is all about.
This is why I am here
I am a doctor of some type, I do psyche stuff.
Anyway. The ego, the collective American ego needs a good smashing. Gotta show the enough content that it shatters the ego and humbles them to tears, but not so much that they can't be pulled right out of it.
You don't want the people to collapse.
You want to… uh burst their bubble, the ego bubble. The cultural one.
and, then you tell them about how great it will be to serve in the Gardening Industrial Complex on a volunteer basis cause all the Military Industrial Complex is shrinking… uh, to about the size of your borders or continent, depending of we can get a North American Armed Defense seriously up and running.
I am not a fool. I do not lie.
You live in a large empire.
A large empire will collapse.
I do not lie. Look at google.
It is not opinion.
It is going to collapse.
It is consensual though.
It is contraction by choice, vs. collapse.