Anonymous ID: 7deb90 Jan. 31, 2021, 6:56 a.m. No.12778614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8629 >>8634

Antarctica suffering Coldest January Since 1978 + Global Sea Ice Growing Exponentially


The start of 2021 in Antarctica has been an unusually chilly one. In fact, the first half of January has been the coldest since 1978, according to data


Global Sea Ice Growing


Antarctica’s unusual cold is having an impact on the its sea ice.


After being above average for much of the austral winter and spring, Antarctic sea ice extent has only increased-further into the summer months, to a level now tracking the 1979-1990 average.


In addition, sea ice extent at the south pole’s northern cousin, the Arctic, is also now growing exponentially: after a low starting point, Arctic Sea ice extent increased by 2.71 million km² (1.05 million m²) during the month of December. According to NSIDC data, this was a rate substantially greater than the 1981 to 2010 average December of 1.99 km² (780,000 m²). Furthermore, between Jan 5 and 17, Arctic sea ice experienced something of extra boon, gaining 966,000 km².


In conclusion, global ice (so Arctic + Antarctic combined) is now greater than anytime since 2016 with the recent exponential growth showing no signs of abating. The year 2021 is already giving the warm-mongers a headache.