Anonymous ID: 9ae91d Q Research General #16880: Obama Era ISIS Back Edition March 29, 2021, 3:48 p.m. No.13324684   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4701 >>4764 >>4836 >>4863 >>5126 >>5295 >>5432

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Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.13324687   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


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>>13323879 2105 Patent Eligible Subject Matter β€” Living Subject Matter

>>13323888 Germany Reports More Blood Clot Cases Associated With AstraZeneca Vaccine

>>13323892 US-backed Syrian forces raid camp of ISIS families, arrest 9? Obama era ISIS back with Biden Cabal?

>>13323901 Plaintiff Case Thrown Out After Lawyer Refuses to Wear Mask in Court

>>13323916 , >>13324581 #GhislaineMaxwell faces new criminal charges as U.S. expands indictment, adding charges of sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking of a minor

>>13323924 Instagram Is Sharing 79% Of Your Personal Data With 3rd Parties

>>13323950 Stacey Abrams Making Money Off β€˜Scam,’ β€˜Racket’ Election Bill Disinformation

>>13323960 Dr. Birx CNN Interview Was Patently False

>>13323961 Vaccine Passports the end of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

>>13323963 New York’s China Virus Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

>>13323998 New Niger President Calls French Operation to Defeat Terrorists in Sahel β€˜Relative Failure’

>>13324002 Brazil's Foreign Minister Reportedly Tenders Resignation , under pressure for poor relations with key vaccine producing nations?

>>13324118 High School janitor to spend 20 years in prison for secretly filming in girls’ locker room

>>13324131 Capitol Riot Cancel Culture Revs Into High Gear as News Outlets Target Crowdfunding Sites

>>13324153 Nike Is Now Suing The Company That Made Lil Nas X's Satan Shoes

>>13324174 , >>13324279 Cabal Propaganda on Ukraine

>>13324208 Today is National Vietnam Veterans Day, where we pause to honor our Nation's Vietnam veterans for their service and sacrifice.

>>13324252 NASA's Orion capsule begins new water drop tests

>>13324269 , >>13324297 Next Goalpost: Mike Lindell says β€œTrump will be back in office in August”.

>>13324298 Mike Lindell discussing his new documentary with Steve Bannon (video cap)

>>13324323 Cabal Propaganda Minister Psaki: Biden, Harris fly private, don't need to follow CDC travel suggestions

>>13324343 New Cuomo distraction to hide the mass murder of elders in Dem controlled states

>>13324471 Anti China Virus Bro Schools the Fearful Normies - "The air we breath is the body's #1 nutrient - With masks our cognitive abilities decline and we can be manipulated"

>>13324495 Bill Gates: You Don't Have a Choice About Vaccination

>>13324509 Evergreen is a CIA Owned Airline – Are They Spraying Us With Poison?

>>13324511 Fraud Fauci Face Mask Lies, Lies, Lies - mask narrative is dying

>>13324526 The Navy has a secret indoor ocean that holds 12 million gallons of water

>>13324530 Pelosi and Dems not through with the 2020 Election Steal yet

>>13324556 A contracted helicopter carrying guides and guests from a lodge on a heli-ski trip in Alaska’s backcountry crashed, killing the pilot and four others, including the Czech Republic’s richest man

>>13324591 , >>13324596 Statement from President Trump on Fraud Fauci and Birdbrain Birx

>>13324624 Liz Cheney taking dark money from open border businesses. Walmart, American Express, Morgan Stanley, T-Mobile and Pfizer β€” bankrolled Cheney’s accounts last month

>>13324658 Adam Schiff’s shady ties to Ukraine exposed - Oct 2, 2020 (video)

>>13324662 Quick dig on Ernest Brace and he was the Longest held POW during vietnam era. Crossed paths with Songbird Noname

>>13324678 #16879

Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.13324689   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

#16878 1 of 2

>>13323024 VW accidentally leaks new name for its U.S. operations: Voltswagen

>>13323033 Terrorism Charges Dismissed by Judge Against Three Men Accused of Plotting to Kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

>>13323050 CCP-Linked Peter Daszak Has Long-Standing Relationship With Fraud Fauci

>>13323057 Mohammed Cartoons / ISIS back in news with Cabal takeover of Washington (They want you divided)

>>13323064 370 Pounds of Meth Seized in Tractor-Trailer at Texas Border Crossing

>>13323066 β€˜Captain Underpants’ Publisher Pulls Graphic Children’s Book Because It β€˜Perpetuates Passive Racism’

>>13323069 First hearing set for Flynn-CNN $75 million defamation case

>>13323073 I wonder if this has to do with Tennessee and the bill that would prohibit state and local authorities from requiring a person to get vaccinated against their will.

>>13323075 Public executions need to make a come back.

>>13323078 , >>13323167 China-Led WHO Investigation On Chinese Lab Expected To Say Exactly What China Wanted it To Say - Wuhan BioWeapon Lab exonerated by fake report

>>13323080 2K Migrants Released in Texas on β€˜Honor System,’ Says U.S. Rep. Cuellar

>>13323081 Cabal Puppet Harris whines about her living conditions while human trafficked children live in cages on the Southern Border

>>13323089 Oxford University May Scrap Sheet Music for Being Complicit in β€˜White Supremacy’

>>13323104 Academic researchers claim gun rights advocates have anti-black racial biases (Defense of your homestead and nation is racist)

>>13323115 Corey Lewandowski: President Trump’s Social Media Platform Will be Interactive and Will Allow Users to Interact Without Fear of Being Canceled

>>13323125 Jim Watkins - Long live 8Kun & Q!

>>13323132 For the KEK - Babylon Bee - Sesame Street Introduces 'Todd', A White Male Muppet Who Is Blamed For Everything

>>13323154 Johnson & Johnson / African Union in deal for up to 400 million China shots (Big Pharma record profits)

>>13323171 Former chief of IDF intelligence alarmed by inclusion of intel sharing in Iran-China pact

>>13323177 IMF is requesting 650 Billion USD SDR [mostly will come from USA] - They just trying to trash the US Dollar

>>13323203 Guise, just in case nobody mentioned this today, last night had some interesting posts from a helper anon. Track inside sales/divestitures.

>>13323223 Hopefully somebody asks Gloria Alred if she cares about the dead elderly people. Didn't her daughter, Bloom, represent Harvey Weinstein? New clownworld order LIVE: New Cuomo accuser comes forward

>>13323226 Huffpost clown hit piece on Atlanta FF - I Grew Up In A Massage Parlor. The Atlanta Victims’ Children Could Have Been Me WTF?

>>13323227 TWO grand juries have convened in Georgia to investigate if Trump tried to manipulate the election?

>>13323229 Mike Lindell says Trump could be back in office by August (video cap)

>>13323235 Cabal Puppet Biden tries to resuscitate failing mask narrative

>>13323252 Army Specialist Dies During 'Swamp Phase' of Ranger School

>>13323255 Rapid fire hit pieces on Q Followers - all for a larp


>>13323278 , >>13323301 Federal judge rules Capitol FF 'Viking Guy' too dangerous to be released from jail

>>13323292 New York legalizing weed

>>13323813 #16878/1

Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.13324692   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

#16878 2 of 2

>>13323299 Australian Prime Minister calls out global pedophile networks and to crack down on networks all around the world (video)

>>13323309 , >>13323326 CDC trying to sell the failing vaccine/mask op 'Trust us dumbfucks' (Dark to Light - anons know)

>>13323319 Biden Cabal Propaganda Minister Blames Pandemic for BANNING Reports from Border Facilities (Video)

>>13323357 Autism comms?

>>13323374 Look at the border not the vaccine passports - Biden Cabal predicts child trafficking surge to last six months

>>13323381 Israeli President Rivlin to begin consultations with parties elected to Knesset on 5 April - D5?

>>13323382 Liberal Dark Money Network Is Behind β€˜Grassroots’ Support for Dem Raw Green Deal Bill

>>13323393 Suez Canal Authority officially announces resumption of navigation from 6pm Monday

>>13323401 Dozens of Schools Close As Teachers Get Sick from the Vaccine (video cap)

>>13323413 Iraq/Syria War back to Obama level bloodbath on US Soldiers

>>13323425 U.S. SOCOM Forms Task Force To Counter China’s β€œInformation Operations” In Indo-Pacific

>>13323433 Lawyer Lin Wood to run for GOP chair in South Carolina

>>13323454 Greed Drove Big Pharma Companies to Privatize Vaccines

>>13323456 Pelosi is a Fucking Tyrant and a National Security Risk

>>13323479 Shock Reveal of Trump Overthrow Plot - Pelosi urged Joint Chiefs to overthrow Trump?

>>13323504 Biden Cabal Responds to Reports on Development of Vaccine Passports

>>13323570 Supreme Court Takes up Kentucky Abortion Case, Its First Since 6-3 Conservative Majority Arrives

>>13323596 Kristi Noem Vetoes Bill That Protects Women’s Sports, Insists It’s β€˜Not A Veto’

>>13323622 Lonestar Bias: Texas Election Officials Received $36 Million to Turn State Blue

>>13323632 Florida’s Ron DeSantis Announces Executive β€˜Action’ Against Biden Vaccine Passports

>>13323641 PANIC as COVID Narrative Goes Full Death Spiral

>>13323658 Remember those 1.5 million "surplus" AstraZemeca vaccines that were going to Canada because Europe didn't want them? yeah, They're garbage too.

>>13323670 Cabal Propaganda Minister Psaki - 'Don’t Expect Cabal Puppet Harris to Travel to the US-Mexico Border'

>>13323444 , >>13323604 Same Jena Scurry? Twitterfollows Tyrone Jackson

>>13323709 Lara Trump, ex-president's daughter-in-law, joins Fox News

>>13323788 What the lying MSM is not telling you is that last Friday a three judge panel decided ruled that most of the 300 people being charged in Capitol FF cannot be held indefinitely without bail because the post no threat to the public

>>13323799 Cabal Securities Exchange Commission Awards Over $500,000 to Whistleblower Under "Safe Harbor" for Internal Reporting and Surpasses Record for Individual Awards?

>>13323805 Is Kristi Noem a Cabal Sleeper? Nikki Haley Version 2.0?

>>13323816 #16878 /2

Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.13324693   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>13322088 Minnesota court rules rape charge doesn't apply if the victim got willingly drunk

>>13322089 Leaked Document Shows Who The Pentagon Wants To Purge From Military

>>13322094 β€œPfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca, none of those have deferral times,” Williamson said. β€œSo if you get it and you’re feeling healthy and well, you can give blood.”

>>13322096 Derek Chauvin trial begins with opening statements (live video link)

>>13322229 , >>13322296 The Clinton Global Initiative had a program called "The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative".

>>13322258 Research tool for shipping - calculate time, route, distance and more for sea routes.

>>13322273 DJT Jr - Authoritarian leftists want a Chinese-styled social credit system here in America. Vaccine passports via the Govt or private sector would create a two-tiered caste system.

>>13322274 Judicial Watch sues for records of Pelosis call with Pentagon Chief

>>13322377 Solitaire… Comms from Hanx OR, JustHanx being a fucking sob pompous ass?

>>13322394 Paula Reid to join CNN as senior legal affairs correspondent

>>13322402 Banks suffer major losses after $30 billion fire sale at hedge fund Archegos

>>13322412 , >>13322424 RINO Alaska Sen Lisa Murkowski has a GOP Primary challenger. Kelly Tshibaka, Alaska native, Harvard Law School grad, with a variety of Inspector General experience.

>>13322418 Russian woman gets 12 years behind bars for handing over confidential data to Ukraine

>>13322490 This CBP facility in Donna, TX is built to hold 250 people. Right now it's holding 5,700 in the middle of a pandemic.

>>13322497 , >>13322511 CDC Director panics as Mask Narrative begins to fail (video cap)

>>13322509 Rockefeller-Biden Scam Falling Apart As World Shuns It

>>13322535 Children's Defense Fund #PEDOVORE SUPERSCAMS#

>>13322544 A Defense Department linguist pleaded guilty to transmitting highly sensitive national defense information to a person she believed would pass it to a foreign terrorist organization.

>>13322594 RINOS control 23 States with ZERO Election integrity

>>13322605 Kelly and Niki Tshibaka, both Harvard Law graduates, are co-founders and co-pastors of The Lighthouse Fellowship,

>>13322621 Track inside sales/divestitures. They know. Watch the sell-off/liquidity events.

>>13322633 Czech billionaire Petr Kellner killed in Alaska helicopter crash, PPF Group says

>>13322690 The founder of Beit Hillel, a liberal religious-Zionist leadership organization, Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth, passed away today at the age of 50.

>>13322705 Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) says he’ll be taking executive action against β€œvaccine passports” over privacy concerns:

>>13322713 Heavily Cabal Compromised Supreme Court Denies Bid by Judicial Watch to Require Hillary Clinton Testify Under Oath About Her Emails

>>13322714 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris ignores border, focuses on mansion renovations (Look there at the Border not here at Vaccine Passports)

>>13322738 Cabal Puppet Chief Justice Roberts = comped and controlled. Prove me wrong with science.

>>13322748 Fake Fauci Said He Was Pushing Coronavirus Vaccine in Jan 2020 – The Same Month He Shot Down COVID-19 as Not a Major Threat

>>13322768 Matt Walsh - Lil Nas X intentionally cultivated a following of children and is now pushing satanism and pornographic images and lyrics onto that same audience. He's a predator.

>>13322786 Notables - Some anons collect and archive offline

>>13322791 "Right Now I'm Scared" - CDC Director Chokes Back Tears As She Fearmongers "Impending Doom"

>>13322805 Rick Wilson of Lincoln Project shure does have some interesing friends, like Raw Story Media

>>13322819 Ballot Audit in Montana Finds Irregularities Characteristic of Larger Democrat Urban Centers – 6.33% Ballots Without Required Envelopes

>>13322820 The 'quiet' DOJ roundups

>>13322833 Islamic State claims Mozambique attack that killed 55, thousands reported fleeing besieged gas town

>>13322863 , >>13322927 China and World Health Organization in PANIC mode - try to change narrative to protect Wuhan Bioweapon Lab that created China Virus

>>13322865 , >>13322877 β€˜Hard-hitting analysis’: CNN blasted for piece explaining the β€˜secret’ behind Joe Biden being so β€˜popular’

>>13322867 Microsoft, er I mean Hackers accessed emails of top DHS officials as part of SolarWinds breach: report

>>13322870 Brooklyn Hasidic rabbi is under investigation for promoting child marriage

>>13322905 The Cabal Propaganda Minister, Jenn Psaki, said Monday it is committed to being transparent when it comes to President Biden’s health.

>>13322942 #16877

Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.13324694   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Previously Collected Notables

>>13320419 #16874, >>13322351 #16785, >>13322469 #16876

>>13318207 #16871, >>13318869 #16872, >>13319626 #16873

>>13316566 #16869/2, >>13316565 #16869/1, >>13319466 #16870

>>13315791 #16866, >>13316149 #16867, >>13315816 #16868

>>13311906 #16863, >>13312633 #16864, >>13313443 #16865

>>13310313 #16861/2, >>13311098 #16862/1, >>13311099 #16862/2

>>13308784 #16859, >>13309555 #16860, >>13310312 #16861/1

>>13306432 #16856, >>13307349 #16857, >>13308002 #16858

>>13304879 #16854/1, >>13304879 #16854/2, >>13307219 #16855

>>13303291 #16852, >>13304123 #16853/2, >>13304122 #16853/1

>>13301770 #16850/1, >>13301771 #16850/2, >>13302528 #16851

>>13299423 #16847, >>13300200 #16848, >>13300956 #16849

>>13297101 #16844, >>13297887 #16845, >>13298665 #16846

>>13295791 #16841, >>13295553 #16842, >>13296328 #16843

>>13292442 #16838, >>13293243 #16839, >>13294021 #16840


>>13165545 Q Research Notables #5: Notables


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Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 3:50 p.m. No.13324696   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 3:50 p.m. No.13324698   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 4:18 p.m. No.13324863   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



>>13324701 Dough


Notables @125




>>13324719 Mask Narrative FAILING - Cabal Puppet Biden: States Should Pause Reopening, Reinstate Mask Mandates

>>13324755 Biden Cabal Forced To Respond to Reports on Development of Vaccine Passports

>>13324779 Sinpho South Naval Shipyard: Drydock Movement Detected - Cabal re-activates in NoKo?

>>13324794 Flashback (from 2018): How Soros' NGO Mounts False Bailouts (*Rescues) to Manipulate Public Opinion (and the Photos That Prove It)

>>13324798 Cabal Working with Corporations to Develop β€˜Vaccine Passport’ - Don't leave home without it - just like 1936 Nazi Germany

>>13324811 Biden CBP Will Return Migrants Kept in Mexico Under Trump to West Texas Town of Eagle Pass

>>13324749 DISEASE CORRUPTION WHO BENEFITS THE MOST /_\? Nature is unpredictable. The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

>>13324810 666 results?

>>13324838 Former President Trump responds to recent interviews by Fauci and Birx



Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 4:57 p.m. No.13325126   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5162



>>13324701 Dough


Notables @375




>>13324749 DISEASE CORRUPTION WHO BENEFITS THE MOST /_\? Nature is unpredictable. The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

>>13324810 666 results?

>>13324866 Smoke & Mirrors Look for keywords… Enough must see. Make mad the guilty, and appall the free. FINAL LEVEL.

>>13324719 Mask Narrative FAILING - Cabal Puppet Biden: States Should Pause Reopening, Reinstate Mask Mandates

>>13324755 Biden Cabal Forced To Respond to Reports on Development of Vaccine Passports

>>13324779 Sinpho South Naval Shipyard: Drydock Movement Detected - Cabal re-activates in NoKo?

>>13324794 Flashback (from 2018): How Soros' NGO Mounts False Bailouts (*Rescues) to Manipulate Public Opinion (and the Photos That Prove It)

>>13324798 Cabal Working with Corporations to Develop β€˜Vaccine Passport’ - Don't leave home without it - just like 1936 Nazi Germany

>>13324811 Biden CBP Will Return Migrants Kept in Mexico Under Trump to West Texas Town of Eagle Pass

>>13324838 Former President Trump responds to recent interviews by Fauci and Birx

>>13324893 From Missiles to Medicine: New US Bill Would Use New ICBM Program Money to Fund China Virus Vaccines

>>13324912 National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends pause on AstraZeneca vaccinations for people under 55

>>13324931 Kary B. Mullis, 74, Dies; Found a Way to Analyze DNA and Won Nobel

>>13324934 The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced preparations for a full-scale offensive in Donbass - War in Syria/Ukraine/Iran/Afghanistan? China / NoKo on the move? ISIS back? All since Jan 21st?

>>13324952 DISINFO: USA Today Quotes a Consultant to the Chinese Communist Party to β€˜Debunk’ (cover up) Wuhan BioWeapon Lab

>>13324961 , >>13324973 Fraud Fauci spent money on the Wuhan bioweapon lab in China / Dr. Birx is a proven liar…..and recommends 'pseudo-science' ….per Trump

>>13324969 Government of Norway indicted for crimes against humanity over false 'Plandemic'

>>13325010 Planefag report

>>13325016 Mike Lindell says social media site will be able to handle 'a billion people'

>>13325019 Share your thoughts with President Trump.

>>13325023 Trump announces his and Melania’s official website is up

>>13325060 Hoillywood Cabal member Sharon Stone reveals child sex abuse, horrific stroke in new memoir

>>13325076 Gas blast rocks 9-storey residential building in Russia's Tatarstan, 6 apartments collapse



Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 5:16 p.m. No.13325295   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5419



>>13324701 Dough


Notables @550




>>13324749 DISEASE CORRUPTION WHO BENEFITS THE MOST /_\? Nature is unpredictable. The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

>>13324810 666 results?

>>13324866 Smoke & Mirrors Look for keywords… Enough must see. Make mad the guilty, and appall the free. FINAL LEVEL.

>>13325178 Stock market DIVE? Ammunition spent? How do you catch a FISH? Do they know? (fewer than you think)

>>13324719 Mask Narrative FAILING - Cabal Puppet Biden: States Should Pause Reopening, Reinstate Mask Mandates

>>13324755 Biden Cabal Forced To Respond to Reports on Development of Vaccine Passports

>>13324779 Sinpho South Naval Shipyard: Drydock Movement Detected - Cabal re-activates in NoKo?

>>13324794 Flashback (from 2018): How Soros' NGO Mounts False Bailouts (*Rescues) to Manipulate Public Opinion (and the Photos That Prove It)

>>13324798 Cabal Working with Corporations to Develop β€˜Vaccine Passport’ - Don't leave home without it - just like 1936 Nazi Germany

>>13324811 Biden CBP Will Return Migrants Kept in Mexico Under Trump to West Texas Town of Eagle Pass

>>13324838 Former President Trump responds to recent interviews by Fauci and Birx

>>13324893 From Missiles to Medicine: New US Bill Would Use New ICBM Program Money to Fund China Virus Vaccines

>>13324912 National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends pause on AstraZeneca vaccinations for people under 55

>>13324931 Kary B. Mullis, 74, Dies; Found a Way to Analyze DNA and Won Nobel

>>13324934 The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced preparations for a full-scale offensive in Donbass - War in Syria/Ukraine/Iran/Afghanistan? China / NoKo on the move? ISIS back? All since Jan 21st?

>>13324952 DISINFO: USA Today Quotes a Consultant to the Chinese Communist Party to β€˜Debunk’ (cover up) Wuhan BioWeapon Lab

>>13324961 , >>13324973 Fraud Fauci spent money on the Wuhan bioweapon lab in China / Dr. Birx is a proven liar…..and recommends 'pseudo-science' ….per Trump

>>13324969 Government of Norway indicted for crimes against humanity over false China Virus 'Plandemic'

>>13325010 Planefag report

>>13325016 Mike Lindell says social media site will be able to handle 'a billion people'

>>13325019 Share your thoughts with President Trump.

>>13325023 Trump announces his and Melania’s official website is up

>>13325060 Hoillywood Cabal member Sharon Stone reveals child sex abuse, horrific stroke in new memoir

>>13325076 Gas blast rocks 9-storey residential building in Russia's Tatarstan, 6 apartments collapse

>>13325147 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris’ schedule shows Team Biden’s true border priorities

>>13325161 Loudon county, VA School board members, Liberal Parents & Teachers reportedly targeting parents opposed to critical race theory with private Facebook group

>>13325138 , >>13325170 Digs on Kennedy era CIA

>>13325175 US Navy - Navy photos of the day

>>13325219 CNN getting the Minneapolis planned riots going - timing is everything

>>13325225 US Air Force likely about to test-fire ARRW hypersonic missile for first time - report

>>13325237 I got this article when I searched 'Nature is unpredictable." Discusses nature and power outages.

>>13325244 Indiana Attorney General Defends Trump Administration’s Rule Clarifying Religious Exemptions for Federal Contractors



Anonymous ID: 9ae91d March 29, 2021, 5:33 p.m. No.13325432   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5442



>>13324701 Dough


Notables FINAL




>>13324749 DISEASE CORRUPTION WHO BENEFITS THE MOST /_\? Nature is unpredictable. The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

>>13324810 666 results?

>>13324866 Smoke & Mirrors Look for keywords… Enough must see. Make mad the guilty, and appall the free. FINAL LEVEL.

>>13325178 Stock market DIVE? Ammunition spent? How do you catch a FISH? Do they know? (fewer than you think)

>>13325341 Look HERE []: ??? DO NOT LOOK HERE []: ??? [/_] Sweet dreams. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

>>13324719 Mask Narrative FAILING - Cabal Puppet Biden: States Should Pause Reopening, Reinstate Mask Mandates

>>13324755 Biden Cabal Forced To Respond to Reports on Development of Vaccine Passports

>>13324779 Sinpho South Naval Shipyard: Drydock Movement Detected - Cabal re-activates in NoKo?

>>13324794 Flashback (from 2018): How Soros' NGO Mounts False Bailouts (*Rescues) to Manipulate Public Opinion (and the Photos That Prove It)

>>13324798 Cabal Working with Corporations to Develop β€˜Vaccine Passport’ - Don't leave home without it - just like 1936 Nazi Germany

>>13324811 Biden CBP Will Return Migrants Kept in Mexico Under Trump to West Texas Town of Eagle Pass

>>13324838 Former President Trump responds to recent interviews by Fauci and Birx

>>13324893 From Missiles to Medicine: New US Bill Would Use New ICBM Program Money to Fund China Virus Vaccines

>>13324912 National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends pause on AstraZeneca vaccinations for people under 55

>>13324931 Kary B. Mullis, 74, Dies; Found a Way to Analyze DNA and Won Nobel

>>13324934 The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced preparations for a full-scale offensive in Donbass - War in Syria/Ukraine/Iran/Afghanistan? China / NoKo on the move? ISIS back? All since Jan 21st?

>>13324952 DISINFO: USA Today Quotes a Consultant to the Chinese Communist Party to β€˜Debunk’ (cover up) Wuhan BioWeapon Lab

>>13324961 , >>13324973 Fraud Fauci spent money on the Wuhan bioweapon lab in China / Dr. Birx is a proven liar…..and recommends 'pseudo-science' ….per Trump

>>13324969 Government of Norway indicted for crimes against humanity over false China Virus 'Plandemic'

>>13325010 Planefag report

>>13325016 Mike Lindell says social media site will be able to handle 'a billion people'

>>13325019 Share your thoughts with President Trump.

>>13325023 Trump announces his and Melania’s official website is up

>>13325060 Hoillywood Cabal member Sharon Stone reveals child sex abuse, horrific stroke in new memoir

>>13325076 Gas blast rocks 9-storey residential building in Russia's Tatarstan, 6 apartments collapse

>>13325147 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris’ schedule shows Team Biden’s true border priorities

>>13325161 Loudon county, VA School board members, Liberal Parents & Teachers reportedly targeting parents opposed to critical race theory with private Facebook group

>>13325138 , >>13325170 Digs on Kennedy era CIA

>>13325175 US Navy - Navy photos of the day

>>13325219 CNN getting the Minneapolis planned riots going - timing is everything

>>13325225 US Air Force likely about to test-fire ARRW hypersonic missile for first time - report

>>13325237 I got this article when I searched 'Nature is unpredictable." Discusses nature and power outages.

>>13325244 Indiana Attorney General Defends Trump Administration’s Rule Clarifying Religious Exemptions for Federal Contractors

>>13325420 Chauvin Defense Team: George Floyd Concealed Meth and Fentanyl Pills from Officers in His Mouth

