In the Old Testament, we read about how God gave laws to Moses in the form of the ten commandments. Over the centuries that followed, the jews found technical loopholes–ways around God's laws–and they began to write them down in the Talmud. If the jews were able to cheat even the laws of God, then it's no surprise that the goyim today are so easily fooled by their pilpul and so readily to accept the "jewish genius" meme.
We today must recognize that the jew was not interested in competing with the great ideas and personalities of our intellectual world, but rather that for him those intellectual labors were nothing but a political tool that he could use as a lever of spiritual destruction on the peoples he intended to rule. Spinoza is a classic example. He used the thought of Decartes and Giordano Brumo in a way that completely changed its original sense. Leading jews have done the same with the thinking of other great Europeans; they pretended to be the real proponents of these ideas and were nonetheless greatest liars. Remember how Karl Marx falsified the German conception of socialism as a natural order of life, based deeply in German blood, and turned into the phantom of the dictatorship of the proletariat?
Let us examine how the Talmud has been used (by jews and gentiles alike) to destroy the moral and spiritual fiber of the national community. The first step is the inversion of values: what was traditionally good becomes evil. Some obvious examples of this: the nuclear family, heterosexuality, white men and gender roles. Today these things are seen as evil by the resentful and the indoctrinated. The reason given is not a logically sound argument, but rather a complete appeal to emotion–pathos. The corruption of truth, science and morality are all necessary to destroy the spirit of the goy. We must be enslaved by instant gratification–fashion and consumerism. We must lose all sense of identity and solidarity, especially racial and ethnic solidarity as this is the greatest strength of the "chosen people". Our history and accomplishments must become a source of shame and ridicule, rather than a source of pride. We must ignore our foundation myth, and embrace the new foundation myth–post WW2 egalitarianism. We must destroy our books and monuments, and replace them with new monuments to our new rulers.
Would you call this behavior moral or would you call this a cold Jihad against culture and civilization itself? Would you call the people behind this allies or would you call them terrorists?