Social Media's "Free Speech" is now Kosher
Social Media: claims to stop "hate speech"
Reality: Censorship of written and published truth
Antifa: Fascists claiming to be anti-fascists
Reality: Antifa = anti-fee-speech in public
They both claim to oppose what they promote
Reality: Projection (Democrat, socialist and Jewish tactic)
Rule #1: Everything's Trump's fault.
Rule #2: See rule #1.
>Still, the lies regarding the talmud are plenty
>blah, blah, blah…
Nonsense! The LIES come from the Jews who study the Talmud, the master deceivers! The ones that lie to us every single day who own and staff the fake news MSM; the anti-Christian Satanists who trick the goyim with Hollywood's predictive programming; the ones who own and control the social media platforms that are using kosher algorithms to censor the free speech of conservatives, truthers and awakeners; the keepers of the knowledge that give us goyim fake history books along with a kosher Encyclopedia Britannica & Wiki-jew-pedia fiction; the sick bastards in the CIA doing inhumane psychological and bio-chemical experiments who plan the false flag terror events so the MSM & Hollywood can spread the fear narrative to take our guns. Judaism is Pharisaism. It is also anti-Christian and their god is the anti-Christ, Lucifer. Judaism is the most secretive religion in the world for a reason and the Goyim are learning.
I'm not an anti-Semite and I'm not being anti-Semitic, just being truthful. I am an anti-Loxist and anti-Judaist, …and an anti-Islamist too, because this Goy Knows. Fake Jews, Khazarians, Ashkenazis, what ever you want to call them, and the Talmudic Jews want to destroy Christianity and exterminate Christians, and what goyim are left will be taken as slaves to serve them. Muslims want to infiltrate all non-Islamic nations, take them over and exterminate any infidel that will not convert to Islam, and install an Islamic Caliphate Government with Sharia Law. These are evil and cruel supremacist ideologies.
We (us normal humans) want peace on earth and good will with our neighbors. Christianity teaches to love thy neighbors. Even basic humanity teaches to at least live and let live. You guys need to check yourselves and just leave us the hell alone, and stop all this damn kikery!