Anonymous ID: a2c900 Sept. 16, 2018, 6:47 p.m. No.3052190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2508

All cross links from this bread: >>2390914

If you want to know why Israel comes last, this would be a good place to start your digs in what regards that question.

If you do not want to read on this subject, do not read this post.

I suggest you read the bread these come from entirely, these are just a selection.

TL;DR (too long, dind't read, for you newfags):

Israel is a genocidal ever expanding nuclear rogue state that is the biggest haven for pedos and biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world right now, and supports ISIS using US tax payer money to do so.

Israel is the HQ of the cabal.


>>2390975 – Jews control the media; not all jews are bad, but the good ones need to speak out against jewish interest groups because those are used to subvert.

>>2391013 – Jewish supremacists have controled the central bank cartel racket since its inception with the establishment of the Bank of England

>>2391053 – The EU was always a jewish supremacist project and being a jew can also mean being racially a jew (doesn’t mean all racial jews are jews in the religious sense)

>>2391083 – Jewish supremacist subversion is the biggest threat to the West and the US today

>>2391107 – The dangers of jewish supremcism and the use of the “anti-semitic” trick to silence legitimate criticism made on Israel and jewish subversion

>>2391143 – Jewish supremacists are the biggest financiers and initiators of anti-2nd amend movements in the US

>>2391159 – The “progressive” political ideology was created and pushed by jewish supremacists

>>2391195 – More info on the origins and main initiators of the “progressive” political ideology

>>2391216 – Antifa is a communist “progressive” para-military arm of the democratic party

>>2391281 – Antifa connections to ISIS and NAMBLA, Antifa in the 30’s Germany

>>2391307 – Neocons are communist Trotskyites

>>2391353 – Jews kickstarted and dominated the slave trade in the US and used Hollywood to pin slavery on the Whites, jews control Hollywood

>>2391478 – More on the jewish initiated slave trade in the US

>>2391496 – Jewish interest groups connection to online censorship

>>2391526 – Jewish hatred of Christians and the dangers of circumcision

>>2391562 – More info on the jewish promoted male genital mutilation (circumcision)

>>2391652 – The term “judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron and an attempt at manipulating Christians

>>2391671 – More on jewish hatred of Christ and Christians and the use of pilpul to deflect that well documented fact

>>2391725 – The jewish talmud promotes pedophilia

>>2391754 – The jewish ritual murder of goyim (non-jew) children is an well documented historical fact

>>2391872 – The foundation myth of the West and our role as anons in the storm

>>2392124 – Jewish hatred of goyim, especially White goyim (loxism)

>>2392177 – Judaism is based on jewish supremacism ( (((God’s chosen mindset))) )

>>2392199 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism

>>2392274 – More on judaism being based on jewish supremacism

>>2393477 – Communism was created, financed and spread by jews

>>2393507 – General George S. Patton was killed for speaking out against jewish supremacism

>>2393553 – Israel supports ISIS

>>2393583 – Israel supports ISIS wants wants the Syrian civil war to keep going and Obama gave 38 billion dollars to Israel, Hillary has jewish roots, Obama claims to be practically a liberal jew

>>2395726 – Sayanim, the non-Israeli jewish Mossad colaborators

>>2395838 – Israel is the biggest pedo haven in the world right now

>>2395862 – Israel is the biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world today

>>2395991 – David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust

>>2396033 – David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials

>>2396017 – Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials

>>2396026 – The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure

>>2396099 – Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attack

>>2396414 – Jordan Peterson is a long-con man who is also a globalist and zionist gate-keeper

>>2530175 – Porn is a jewish weapon against the goyim (non-jews)

>>2571682 – Hilter fought the same enemires we are fighting now

>>2571660 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not

>>2571666 – Was Hitler a puppet? Probably not part 2

>>2580819 – A message to our jewish allies


To all the Israel first shills on Hasbara duty, read the first post, it literally says: “Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion.”


>Anon’s comment on the last phrase:

“Well you see, the Israel first shills on Hasbara duty are here to defend the unchecked Jewish supremacism and subversion, not Jews per-se, so making that distinction doesn't really help them relax.”

Anonymous ID: a2c900 Sept. 16, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.3052279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2291 >>2310 >>2343 >>2431 >>2458


What the darn-diddily-doodily did you just say about me, you little witcharooney? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Springfield Bible College, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret mission trips in Capital City, and I have over 300 confirmed baptisms. I am trained in the Old Testament and I’m the top converter in the entire church mission group. You are nothing to me but just another heathen. I will cast your sins out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Heaven, mark my diddily-iddilly words. You think you can get away with saying that blasphemy to me over the Internet? Think again, friendarino. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of evangelists across Springfield and your IP is being traced by God right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggorino. The storm that wipes out the diddily little thing you call your life of sin. You’re going to Church, kiddily-widdily. Jesus can be anywhere, anytime, and he can turn you to the Gospel in over infinity ways, and that’s just with his bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in preaching to nonbelievers, but I have access to the entire dang- diddily Bible collection of the Springfield Bible College and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your sins away off the face of the continent, you diddily-doo satan-worshipper. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you from the Heavens, maybe you would have held your darn-diddily-fundgearoo tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re clean of all your sins, you widdillo-skiddily neighborino. I will sing hymns of praise all over you and you will drown in the love of Christ. You’re farn-foodily- flank-fiddily reborn, kiddo-diddily.

Anonymous ID: a2c900 Sept. 16, 2018, 7:08 p.m. No.3052454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2470


Before Israel was created, the West had no problems with ME.

And btw, jews love to push for the islamization of the West.

Fuck Israel and fuck zionists.

Both islam and judaism need to and will be banned from the West.

Anonymous ID: a2c900 Sept. 16, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.3052605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2617 >>2668


You must be underage then, for the rabbi to have such interest in you…


Rabbi Rosenberg shared a gruesome tale of what he called “the child-rape assembly line” (archive link: ; another archive link: ):


On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She’arim.  “I opened a door that entered into a schvitz,” he told me.  “Vapors everywhere, I can barely see.  My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors.  On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy.”


Rabbi Rosenberg paused, gathered himself, and went on: “This boy was speared on the man like an animal, like a pig, and the boy was saying nothing.  But on his face—fear.  The old man [looked at me] without any fear, as if this was common practice.  He didn’t stop.  I was so angry, I confronted him.  He removed the boy from his penis, and I took the boy aside.  I told this man, ‘It’s a sin before God, a mishkovzucher.  What are you doing to this boy’s soul?  You’re destroying this boy!’  He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it.  ‘How dare you interrupt me!’ he said.  I had heard of these things for a long time, but now I had seen.”


We all know about the pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church.  But how many people are aware of an even worse epidemic in the religious Jewish community?


Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community—the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world—have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders.  Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, a Brooklyn organization that advocates for Orthodox sex abuse victims, thinks the real number is higher.  “From anecdotal evidence, we’re looking at over 50 percent.  It has almost become a rite of passage.”


Rosenberg isn’t the only Jew speaking up.  According to Debbi Gross, director of Tahel Crisis Center (archive link: ; another archive link: ) :


Hardly a day goes by without hearing of another case of domestic violence, get refusal, or child sex abuse in the Jewish community.


It’s distressing to hear that the religious Jewish community’s own leaders cannot be trusted around its most vulnerable members.