Could be a pedo, maybe even a pedo master x100…but I dont think that tie dye is anything to do with anything but tie dye….ive been wrong many times before, but seriously?
Sounds like a good thing maybe…. Is Iran cleaning up for us? or are good guys planting our own fake news?
kek! first thing I saw right after a toke……"naw mon, not da tie dye mon!"
Oh I see, I see….well I guess at this point I shouldnt be surprised about these sick people using "muh tie-dye" for pedo codes
Yep, good point!
Know any persian?
Check out the replies on Biebers tweet…..Mark Hammil (Luke) is being a grammar nazi! I bet he's on this chan!
So instead of Art Fair, its Fart Air? Makes sense why those places always smell like patchouli and rotting beans
the word wetard doesnt wook good coming fwom somwon wike u
welp, now I know where I can find my future wife….thought I was the only smelly hippy who loved POTUS
racist! bigot! xenoph…..oh wow, persian women are beautiful!
groovy! Patriot/Pepe hippy 4ever. Wavy Gravy/Clown hippy never.
Oh yeah, forgot about Rand Paul and Iran new recently…..very interesting…should be more news about it later today or this week
Thats garbage. I dont know what view point your looking through, but you sound like a bitter old man yourself.