FVEY ID: d845f6 June 28, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.1609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1610 >>1612

This for counter?

The Balcks?

Or Reds?


Just getting acclimatised with an openthread…


Anyone know the best group on FB for Group ran Shills?

Pro Djt and Q groups?


Try as I might might I try…. Ass butt catt Del Efo…..

Just fucking butt if anyone got ansa's wood B help full laa ≈[)


I was a mere Farmer when aye influenced 4 bucks but I D cided to finish my Ciber pherrr


Mad or not. The sawce is with this one strong!!

(Public Domain accessible Intel) irrelevant..

I kan kreate a whole Ban'Quit with just my Lowly Digits Ω}><)


B Bak L8A wivout L337 or Idioms etc…


Looking for ansa!!!


Bad Actor®️

KVEY ID: d845f6 June 28, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.1611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1620

Thank you Truth Seeker…


I wood Meme butt I'm on my 'Other' phone..


Salute u too Fren..


I never ask a Question I don't already know the answer too…


Comfy *