Truth Seeker ID: a57eb6 OP-Ed General #1 April 19, 2020, 1:58 p.m. No.23   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1699 >>2794

Citizen Editorials

if you like to become a Volunteer or Reporter start by producing some work then reach out to @babyfist or express your desire in a thread.

Commentary on work created by CommUnity Journalist, Citizen Editorials. Always Link to OP in your rebuttal


Rebuttals to FAKE NEWS MSM Provide Sauce (Video, Article, ETC) provide sauce to back up your claims.

If you do not provide sauce for OP or your sauces the post will be removed WE are NOT the MSM

Truth Seeker ID: a57eb6 May 18, 2020, 3:10 p.m. No.62   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2974 >>63



We see you! and Others.

We see all. We hear all.

Our movement is about exposing the truths via real news. Strong Frens have out backs

We are not promoting or anything as truth-seekers will find.

Can share as you please. But not in /QR/ avoid shill influx.

This board is open but will remain "Unknown"


Created for by and with Anons.


We have outlets if you have ideas.

Truth Seeker ID: a57eb6 May 23, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.88   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>89


This is intended for Full articles ready to publish from Anons who are not BO/Vols/Reporters.

Or Counter Arguments to works created by anons.

Any input is welcome.


Feel free to ask anything in Suggestion >>32 will become /meta/ once we have a meta.

Check out the Image attached area for expectations of board.

I can add anything.

Also for BS and off topic i created the following threads.

For the early comers. We are the start of the great wave to come.


Welcome Topical - Open chat and Memes >>34

Off-Topic Topical >>36

Truth Seeker ID: a57eb6 May 23, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.92   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>96

There is not posting limit here.

Use wisely. Thread cap at 750.

Creating doughs for each thread. Will work like /qr/ but slower with more dedicated users focusing on the topics they want.

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Truth Seeker ID: a57eb6 May 23, 2020, 8:27 p.m. No.100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why the unmasking of General Flynn Matters


In the frenzy of unmaskings by Obama administration officials in the waning days of his presidency, the majority of those officials had no 'need to know' who the American citizen was on the call record in the NSA database. Neither was their unmasking the American citizen's name for the purpose of creating an 'intelligence product.'


While those are unusual and unwarranted acts, they are not, in and of themselves, illegal. What was illegal was leaking the American citizen's name on that phone call to the media. That person's name was classified.


The Obama administration sought out staff leakers and punished leakers more than any other in US history, according to the [1] Washington Post</a>, even to the point of using [2] lie-detector tests on staff</a>. The irony of the same administration accessing and leaking classified information to the media at the last moment is palpable.


The leak of General Flynn's name to friendly media outlets was strategically timed and to a certain effect: to poison the good name and reputation of a lifelong patriot who served America for 33 years in the US Army, and to set into motion the plan to overthrow the incoming President.


Once General Flynn's name was published in obsequious media, connecting him with the Russians, and libeling him as a 'Russian asset' in Trump's incoming administration, the stage was set. As one, on cue, worldwide media trumpeted the talking points that not only was Trump not fanatically against Russia, but he had advisors who were already plotting with Mr. Putin, to do what, none would say, but it had to be something nefarious.


The 'Russian collusion' narrative was promoted on every channel, on every show and on every newspaper's pages. No where in the thousands of lines of text or hours of panel discussions was the fact that it was the unmasking and illegal leaking of an American citizen's name done by people who absolutely knew the laws about classified information.


No mainstream journalist or reporter pointed out the illegality of that leak and the danger it posed to all American citizens with respect to our right to privacy and unreasonable search and seizure.


If a dedicated American Patriot like Gen. Michael Flynn could be unmasked and his name leaked to the media in order to destroy him, it could be done to any of us.


The danger of abuse of power like this, at the highest levels of American government cannot be overstated.


It is time for the American public to know the truth: who illegally leaked this name to the media. It is time for blind justice in this matter, for we cannot continue in a system where there are two sets of rules and laws are only applied to others.


[1] https:// www.washingtonpost(dot)com/news/the-fix/wp/ 2017/06/08/trump-rages-about-leakers-obama-quietly-prosecuted-them/


[2] https:// cpj(dot)org/reports/us2013- english.pdf

Truth Seeker ID: a57eb6 May 31, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Opinion Piece


As The World Turns


The space industry was pioneered out of ingenuity, the need for discovery and competition in the American people. In JFK's now famous "Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Effort" or as most would know it "We choose to go to the Moon…" this was a way to unite the people of America in a struggling time in America Racially, Culturally, Politically, and Internationally.

>We choose to go to the Moon! We choose to go to the Moon…We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.

These simple words are inspired a nation to rally behind an IDEA, a Concept, a Vision of Grandeur yet unfathomed. This opened a world of possibilities not only to the minds of people but also to their hearts. Space has always been a source of inspiration for mankind and now we are finally returning to space after a almost 10 year break of space dominance.


In the year 2011 on July 8th Then President Obama said "Today's launch may mark the final flight of the Space Shuttle, but it propels us into the next era of our never-ending adventure to push the very frontiers of exploration and discovery in space,…". Sadly Obarna was unable to live up to the words he spoke, and defunded large portions of NASA's budget, resulting in thousands of NASA and shuttle contractor workers are losing their jobs once the program is no more.

The funds NASA lost due to the cuts had terrible impacts on the public sectors ability to fund the final launch (STS-135) that happened under the "Atlantis" banner on July 8th 2011. After this date America began to lose the space supremacy we had to countries like Russia and China which is a major security risk per my standards.

Today, March 5, 2020, the "SpX-DM2" mission was the first launch of American astronauts from an American spacecraft on American soil to the ISS since STS-135, and was the first privately owned manned rocket launched into space. This is achievement is a milestones on its own, but the best of all is "AMERICA IS GOING BACK TO SPACE." This doesnt include the actions being taken by the DOJ and creating Space Force (see other articles).


Between 2011 and Today, the private sector has made huge leaps in technology regarding rocket propulsion as well as satellite and communication technologies. Space X with Elon Musk seem to be leading the innovation between working directly with NASA and other US defense companies on many technologies Space X holds their own without the assistance of the US.

Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, Dragon, Starship and their capabilities completely surpass the ability even NASA was showing in 2011. Elon has shown the world that rockets can be reusable. Find out more about Space X and innovations by them:

Even today if you have the funds you can charter a space flight into low earth orbit, to experience zero gravity, if you can pay the price. There is also now commercial access to to ISS via companies like Reaction Engines Limited or NanoRacks LLC. The private sector has really changed the space game.


With the Dragon Demo 2 being launched this now marks a new public / private partnership which will be a giant boost for the Space Industry as a whole. Together NASA and SpaceX have plans to not only go back to the Moon but also committed to achieving the goal of sending humans to Mars. This generation will even see the first woman on the Moon.

The future of space exploration is strong with the youth of today and the generations to come. It was a beautiful to see all the bright faces on the children as the rocket launched. It reminded me of my own childhood seeing the "Spaceships" launch from the Cape, as our family would go to the beach to watch the launches. I remember aspiring to be an Astronaut as a small boy.

Public / Private partnerships for future space endeavors will allow the best of both sectors to collaborate and create the very best future for us on Earth and in Space. The technologies created to help us dominate space will also greatly benefit the betterment of all Humans on Earth.


>"The Best Is Yet To Come!"

~ Donald John Trump


The Future of Space is very bright. There are very smart people at NASA who are already figuring out how WE can grow food on Mars, and support a colony of about 1 million people. But, count me out until they fine a protein that is not bugs that WE could live on.

The Next frontier will be Space, the possiblities are endless and ever growing (no pun intended). Our children and Our children's children will be the ones who push our species into a whole new World and a whole new way of Living. It will usher in a "Brand New World."

But before we to far ahead of ourselves do not forget the tourism of low earth orbit this will create. And if we can get a "Base" on the Moon maybe we can vacation on the Moon before I die…


>"You can't be #1 on Earth if you are #2 in Space"

~Donald John Trump


As great as all this sounds there are some more serious reasons why Donald Trump has revived NASA and is pushing Space Force as a powerhouse. As the US took time off Space under Obarna; China and Russia both increased their space capabilities which put the US at a slight disadvantage, Trump did not find that acceptable and neither do I.

The United States was the first — and still the only — nation to put a man on the moon. Nobody will forget that. But China has been preparing to go to the Moon and beyond. The US cannot be caught with it's pants down. Kenneth P. Rapuano, the assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense and global security, "let senators know the U.S. has got to step up its game or risk losing its edge to the Chinese or Russians, …" as well as stating "China and Russia are developing military capabilities, doctrine and organizations intended to place U.S. space systems at risk, including anti-satellite weapons, ground-launch missiles and directed energy weapons. Additionally, he said, they continue to launch experimental satellites that conduct sophisticated on-orbit activities to advance counter-space capabilities." Which both place the US and its Allies at a major disadvantage that is not acceptable.

In an answer to his own questions when speaking with the DOJ, Rapuano stated "The department must do more to accelerate its response to the changing dynamics of space by adapting our organizations, policies, doctrine, capabilities and joint force employment to more effectively deter aggression, protect our interests and enhance our lethality," Kenneth Rapuano is not alone in these opinions for space the DIA seem to agree. The DIA seem to think that in the future there is a real possiblity of space wars in the future of humans. Not as in star wars space wars but attacks (Cyber attacks, Physical attacks, Interception, Interference) on space devices such as satellite and other space hardwares. I am just please that other are thinking about these types of things and keeping US the American people safe!



>China has a robust network of space surveillance sensors capable of searching, tracking, and characterizing satellites in all Earth orbits. This network includes a variety of telescopes, radars, and other sensors that allow China to support missions including intelligence collection, counterspace targeting, ballistic missile early warning, spaceflight safety, satellite anomaly resolution, and space debris monitoring.

>In 2015, Moscow reorganized its military and civilian space programs. Russia created the Aerospace Forces by merging the former Air Force and Aerospace Defense Troops. This new force includes Russia’s space forces, who have the mission to conduct space launches and maintain the ballistic missile early warning system, the satellite control network, and the space surveillance network.

>Globally, the space industry will continue to expand as technological and cost barriers fall and international partnerships for joint production grow. State, non-state, and commercial actors increasingly will have access to information from space. The number of satellites and debris on orbit will grow concurrently, making tracking satellites, discriminating threats from non-threats, and predicting and preventing collisions a greater challenge.


I am just please we have a President Strong Enough to do the right thing. Bless Space Force, DJT, All the Armed Forces and All Americans and especially all the brave men and women who will pioneer the brave new frontier.


by: PatchFag


1.Obama stop funding for nasa.




  1. Have not launched person to space in ~9 years from USA.




  1. Private Sector Space Developments (Space X, Virgin, Lockheed, )




  1. Private / Public Space Cooperation




  1. Space Dominance




  1. Possible Futures of Space for Citizens







  1. USA need to Remain World Dominance





  1. Realistic Potential of Space Wars





Other Sources:


Truth Seeker ID: a57eb6 May 31, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.432   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Repost from /qr/ for Anon


Work by unknown Anon

Posting to show what We are requesting is working.

If this is one of you post here as well when you create a work.


Rough draft Part 1

On America on January 5, 2017, five powerful people met in the Oval Office of the White House. They were powerful, does not mean they were just. Americans should be careful who is in power. Comey, Yates, Biden, Obama, and Rice meeting was recalled by Rice in an email sent to herself on January 20, 2017.

"President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the NSC (National Security Council) should not pass sensitive information related to Russsia to Flynn," Rice typed in her email. Obama asked Comey if he thought the NSC should not pass Russian-related information to Flynn. Comey replied "potentially".

The sentence, "President Obama asked if Comey was saying that the NSC (National Security Council) should not pass sensitive information related to Russsia to Flynn," SHOWS much. "Preisdent Obama asked… ," indicates that President Obama knew of FBI's interest in Flynn's talk with the Russian Ambassader before the DOJ knew. This could mean Obama directed the spying of Flynn, since Obama knew before the DOJ.

Notes and Questions:

What date did the DOJ find out?

Part 2 rough draft

The story of Michael T. Flynn, Sergey I. Kislyak and nine Obama officials might be confusing to the average American. Ask them who is Kislyak, how many do you think might know? If the reader does not know Kislyak, the reader will have to catch up.

New York Times (NYT) article 'Timeline: What We Now Know About Flynn’s Phone Calls With Russia' describes the timeline of Flynn/Kislyak communications on Dec 28-29, 2016. Obama signs executive order to put sanctions on Russia on Dec 28. The article explains Kislyak contacts Flynn on Dec 28, 2016, not the other way around. On Dec 29 Flynn calls a senior transition officer to find out what to say to Kislyak. Flynn learns through the transition official that members of the presidential transition team did not want Russia to escalate the situation. Flynn then calls Kislyak and asks that Russia not to escalate the situation. The NYT article shows that Kislyak contacted Flynn Dec 28, Flynn contacted a senior transition official, and then Flynn called Kislyak after talking to a senior transition official with instructions to ask Kislyak that Russia not escalate the situation.

Another article from Washington Examiner made an interesting observation. "The date on which Biden received the information about Flynn, Jan. 12, was the same day the Washington Post ran a column by David Ignatius containing leaked classified details from Flynn's call with the Russian ambassador." There are many interesting questions that the media seems to ignore and does not ask. For example, it's interesting that Rice sent an email to herself. It's interesting how many people unmasked Flynn in Dec 2016 -Jan 2017. When all the pieces are put together, so much appears NOT to have been done by the book. One anonymous person asks a good question: "Were they trying to create a cause of action for the eventual appointment of a special counsel to continually investigate a President (and his NSI, Flynn) who had done nothing wrong?"

'They' might include Rice, Biden, Obama, Yates, and Comey since they were at the January 5th meeting memorialized by Rice's email to herself on Jan 20, 2017. Rod Rosenstein may also be involved because he set up the special counsel with Mueller. If Rod is dirty, then Mueller is also likely dirty. The Mueller report was a huge failure and cost Americans millions. Even after the Mueller report failed to impeach President Trump, many media outlets continued to use the report to attack Trump, his friends, family, and support. Court proceedings also enabled 'them' to keep certain facts secret so 'they' could further deceive the American People.




Part 3 rough draft

On May 22, 2020, Kayleigh McEnany (KM) asked the press, "why was Michael Flynn's identity leaked, a criminal act, to the press?" Would KM describe it as a criminal act in front of press and America if it were not true? Looking at the declassified documents, we can see most of the people who unmasked Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn including Samantha Power, Clapper, Degnan, Brennan, Conlon, Lew, Biden, and more. The criminal act of leaking Flynn's identity is in the list of names of people who unmasked Flynn after Dec 29, 2016.

The list of people who unmasked Flynn gives us the 'WHO'. Americans should also ask themselves why was Flynn's identity leaked to the press? What advantages would that bring a group of people intent on ruining Trump's chances of staying president or winning a second term? If Trump is out, fake news and fake leaders can continue to make fools of the American People. Once Americans find out how deceitful Obama's group plays the game, they can use their power of vote and free speech to search for truth, share truth, and Vote accordingly.

McEnany called it a criminal act. Comey, Yates, Obama, Rice, and Clapper also know that it was a criminal act, yet they and fake news rarely bring up. This incident brings forth even more questions. What did the leaker hope to accomplish? Which press member specifically did they leak too? Would the leak make Flynn appear to be a bad actor? Was it to create a pretext for FBI to interviewing Flynn? We know from other declassified docs that the FBI set up Flynn. They wanted to frame him. They wanted to get him to lie and get him fired. WHY? Exactly HOW was Flynn a threat to their plans to usurp power and dump Donald Trump from the presidency by force i.e. a coup? What exact information, experience, contacts, and plans did Flynn have that was detrimental to the Obama White House and detrimental to their plan to obstruct Trump's presidency? Knowing the answers will reveal the criminal(s) involved with leaking Lt. Gen Flynn's identity and much more.


1 'President Trump Holds a Press Briefing - May 22, 2020' - Just the News, (start at 1:07:47)