
28 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 06:23:51 ID: C4rcROz0

Toru-san is a little stiff, but he's trustworthy man.
As the occasion demands, he will work without sleeping.
You obtained the excellent staff.

Toru-san is be impatient and hurry very much now!!
He's desperately trying to make up for the delay.
Soon, the staff of 2-channels will withdraw from BBS-PINK's work.
Toru-san wants to operate deletion system before from the day when the staff of 2-channels withdraw.
Please demand explanation from him.
31 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 06:56:55 ID: C4rcROz0
A note in commemoration of something = Kinenkakiko = 記念かきこ