
495 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/08/16 (火) 15:02:52 ID: OOE2ovVJ
Good morning Jim-san.

"Mail Sending Report Thread to Jim-san."

May I make such a thread?
I think that a general person who will contact Jim-san in the future increases.
When Jim-san registers in the favorite, it is glad.

It talks by this thread.
496 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/08/16 (火) 15:05:45 ID: OOE2ovVJ
( in japanese )
506 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/08/16 (火) 23:57:47 ID: OOE2ovVJ
Dear Jim-san.

Congratulations of the deletion leader on the decision.
I support the decision of Jim-san.

I cooperate.
To LOVE-san and Jim-san and the volunteer.

I today and tomorrow will be offline.
I also leave for the drive.
Good travel for Jim-san.