
408 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/08/15 (月) 00:38:40 ID: nfzuTOj9 🧦
This is a very important problem.
Toru-san and IZUMI-san sent an email of very important contents to you(in Japanese).
And they were grieved that there was not a reply.

Do not you receive an email from them at all?
410 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/08/15 (月) 00:49:51 ID: nfzuTOj9 🧦
The important document which relates to the choice of Deleter
as for Toru-san
in an important intention expression about administration of BBSPINK
as for IZUMI-san again.
They should have written plural emails.

I feel surprise in Jim-san not receiving those emails.
This is a serious situation.
412 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/08/15 (月) 01:10:16 ID: nfzuTOj9 🧦
It seems to have been the contents
"which it talked about on a thread" that IZUMI-san received.
421 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/08/15 (月) 03:13:18 ID: nfzuTOj9 🧦

This is a basic problem.
Deletion is not possible only by having begun a list of a volunteer.
We cannot delete it unless we have you set a deletion account on a server.
It is a state pampered by a deletion account of 2CHANNEL being left now.
I do not understand when a deletion account of 2CHANNEL is raised.

Does Jim-san set a deletion account? Or who is it?
444 : ありす ◆Alice7XIII [sage] : 2006/08/15 (月) 13:41:02 ID: nfzuTOj9
I forgot to turn on a name.
I wrote >>442.

My deletion account became extinct, too.
I cannot do volunteer activity anymore.