
254 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/08/04 (木) 16:28:07 ID: z8CX7RjH
(IN Japanese)
256 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/08/04 (木) 23:14:52 ID: z8CX7RjH
To: Jim-san

It was an interesting vote result that two candidates got almost same number of votes.
I can see from the results that both candidates did not do an injustice, and neither did the users.
I am glad that the BBSPINK users are moral and gentle.
I am so excited at starting the new BBSPINK under Jim-san and a new leader.

◆ANALFUCKo6 (>>235) and >>238 are offering to become the volunteers.