284 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/03 (土) 17:56:23 ID: 8QECrvUB
I am sorry by automatic English translation to Jim

Does a pink channel prohibit an entrance under 18 years old?
There is the note which violated it, but will not delete it to a guideline decision obviously?
A deletion request is given for the time being.

Because a junior high school boy wants to have sex with mother, I talk about note content. It might be a joke, but tried to ask you a question because I was interested.

286 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/03 (土) 18:14:29 ID: 8QECrvUB
289 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/03 (土) 18:27:58 ID: 8QECrvUB

しかし、日本語も上手く使えて無い気が・・・・ orz
290 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/03 (土) 18:31:39 ID: 8QECrvUB

が正解です・・・もうダメぽ orz
291 : 284 [sage] : 2006/09/03 (土) 18:45:47 ID: 8QECrvUB
Jim is sorry

I depended on a wrong place.
I depend on an appropriate place some other time.