193 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/02 (金) 17:03:09 ID: WvCuEs5J
イ尓好 Big Dicky Jim.
Are you shure, Your answer to hitoyuki is.

>>126 名前: ひろゆき ★
Definitely, I know you can't read Japanese.
The subject I would like to say is different.
"Do you think that BBSPINK volunteers don't need to read Guide Lines? "
If you don't answer my question, that's OK.
It's your site and your staff.
You are not obligated to do anything for anyone.
As a friend, I just want you to understand what I feel and
how I am disappointed at this site

>>139 名前: ◆79EROOYuCc

Could you let us know just Yes or No.
211 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/02 (金) 18:39:02 ID: WvCuEs5J
Oh my God!

Yo Jim. You think that, 79 & Love is your side right?
Hiroyuki is should be more your side, right? That partner ask you,

"You don't consider Japanese law, Is that correct? "
"Do you think that BBSPINK volunteers don't need to read Guide Lines?"
Those are same means. Your answer should be

"Yes, I don't consider Japanese law" or
"No, I will observe the law of Japan" right?
But Your answer is

"Japanese law is considered out of respect for Japan."
"Yes I think that the volunteers should read the guidelines. "
This is not answer. It will be impolite to the friend.
Just done or will promise is completely different.

Are you keep going to make -Deai & Megami BBS-?
229 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/02 (金) 19:28:34 ID: WvCuEs5J
Hiroyuki said simple.
You just say it, No one did it.
You made a bad system.
Bad system makes unhappy place.
Already done.
242 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/02 (金) 20:06:44 ID: WvCuEs5J
Hiroyuki said
Your kindlly feeling to him will consequentially damage him.
Because he will makes a mistake again.
Is it true gentleness?

This problem made from your kindness, not from people.
Only you will be able to clear.
245 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/02 (金) 20:17:28 ID: WvCuEs5J
Yes, 100% I'm sure You are too gentle like a Baby of just birth.
246 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/02 (金) 20:22:13 ID: WvCuEs5J
The boss should do a severe selection at time. For everyone's happy place.
Amelican's soul taught us that it was democracy.
249 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/02 (金) 20:42:14 ID: WvCuEs5J
Get better Mr Big Dick, right?
I know how men getting crazy for girls.
This is just men. I'm just men too.
I love euro girls. We are dicky.
Please makes Hot plase, But To legality.

Toast for your Courage.
