647 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/11 (日) 18:48:05 ID: ZEaUcBzV
Yume's belly is black.とかでいいのかし‥‥
672 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/09/12 (月) 04:43:01 ID: ZEaUcBzV
Wow my god!!
Now, Tokyo is panic!
Today, Godzilla appeared in Shinjuku and has broken nearly all buildings.
I am anxious about a parent living in Tokyo.
I call many times, but never react.
675 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/09/12 (月) 05:07:20 ID: ZEaUcBzV
Godzilla takes sleep now in front of Tokyo agency.
I can confirm it only in news of a radio.
I do not yet get phone with a parent.
677 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/09/12 (月) 05:29:16 ID: ZEaUcBzV
Is a father safe?
679 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/09/12 (月) 05:41:10 ID: ZEaUcBzV
Jimsan is not my father.

The Godzilla seems to have begun to walk this time to the Shibuya area.

A mom.
Did the mom watch Godzilla?
Is not our house broken?