
568 : 北海道でっかいどう ◆Ishikaries [sage] : 2008/01/16 (火) 04:26:30 ID: 6HOU1wxe
A request was in Jim hello, the present days and came to this thread to do a reply.
In fact, do not understand that the request says whether it may be said that is a request, but is inspection in http://life9.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/intro/1200058678/ once; if is done, and give you a reply if is in convenient time, is honored
573 : 北海道でっかいどう ◆Ishikaries [sage] : 2008/01/16 (火) 06:37:52 ID: 6HOU1wxe
Jim it which complies is me