
464 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/13 (土) 17:10:31 ID: E6YJW4gq

I explain about your concern (>>402) as below...

In 2ch manner, new server is given its own new name.
For example, when "etc6.2ch.net" server is replaced,
new server is given "etc7.2ch.net" as new server name.
(And old etc6.2ch.net will move to "kakolog" server later)

And some kinds of reason, e.g. server load issue,
some boards are moved between 2ch servers sometimes, e.g.
http://news24.2ch.net/newsplus/ to http://mamono.2ch.net/newsplus/

Anyway, when the movings, each board URIs of in the server have been changed,
e.g. http://etc6.2ch.net/dataroom/ to http://etc7.2ch.net/dataroom/ .

I think you have two concerns,
1) When board URI is changed, do users stray from the board?
2) When server is changed, do users have to make the new threads?

But both are no problem.
I will explain the reason in my next res.

But, I have to take a bath now. Chotto mattete kudasai.
465 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/13 (土) 18:09:40 ID: E6YJW4gq
I'm back. I will continue >>464 .

1) In 2ch manner, each boards are moved to the new URI, each the old URI have
"the moving mark" to the new URI, during the moving operations by Fox-san.

e.g. You can access "Feti" board in bbspink at old URI,
http://wow.bbspink.com/feti/ . It is automatically redirected to
http://pie.bbspink.com/feti/ . So, I believe that when boards in
pie, and sakura0[1-3] will be moved, users will redirect to new URI.
So, you don't have to worry about 1), I think.

2) In 2ch manner, each boards are moved to the new URI, all live threads are
copied into the new bbs, during the moving operation by Fox-san.
So, users can access all live thread in the new URI again, and
I think you don't have to worry about 2), too.

And many users refers "BBS menu in 2ch" to access each boards,
in http://menu.2ch.net/bbsmenu.html and http://menu.2ch.net/bbstable.html .
These bbsmenu and bbstable are updated frequently enough, by diligent
2ch volunteer Mahora-san. So, users don't lose their access way.
466 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/13 (土) 18:13:31 ID: E6YJW4gq

I am not sure that my res'es help for solving your concerns.
But I hope that they relieve you.

And now it's 3 am in Japan and I will go to sleep.
Oyasumi-nasai, friend.
469 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(6567089);] : 2008/01/13 (土) 18:45:51 ID: E6YJW4gq

I believe that the two new BBS servers will be given new name.
So, it is not pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03.

I think pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03 will moved to
kakolog server (I heard it is now setup in progress, named banana3001) after
refreshing is complete.
470 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2463539);] : 2008/01/13 (土) 18:48:10 ID: E6YJW4gq
Now banana3168 is qiufen, it means 秋分 in Chinese.
So, I think the two new server would be another 24 solar terms...
472 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2008/01/13 (土) 19:13:17 ID: E6YJW4gq
Bifi-san now begins to call for names for the new two bbs servers in another thread.
I hope we find good names for them,

and I will go to sleep really... Zzzzz.
476 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/14 (日) 04:04:47 ID: E6YJW4gq

I must tell "The life of virtual host name of 2ch" to you.
It is a little bit long, but it is very important.
Please read carefully and please understand well.

1) In the beginning

It is fresh virtual host, it is brand-new.

2) Growing up

Users make threads, write many reses, discuss and sometimes flames.
So, the bulletin boards prosper, and lands are made.

3) Refreshment operation

As the result, each virtual hosts have so many kakologs.
Then, the cost that each server uses to provide kakologs grows bigger
and bigger.

477 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/14 (日) 04:05:10 ID: E6YJW4gq
(continue from >>476)

Then we carry out refreshment operation to divide it into another server.
The refreshment operation is as follows:

a) _add_ a different virtual host at the current server
 usually in 2ch, it is "the increasing name", e.g. for society5, 2ch will
 add society6 in the _same_ server hardware.

b) all of live threads are moved (called "Iten") to new virtual
 host, but all kakologs are NOT moved. they are left in old virtual host.

c) after that, we move old virtual host to kakolog server, it has very
 disk space. 2ch already has two kakolog servers, oyster902+Suma and
 banana3000. They are specially tuned for providing kakologs.

d) as a result, we can divide the kakolog load from live servers.

4) End of Life

Time goes by, and server greets its life. Any kind of high-performance
server must come to retire itself in several years, so, the progress of
the hardware is amazing.

It is time of this, we moved all of live thread to brand new servers.
And we move a dead body of virtual host into kakolog servers.
478 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/14 (日) 04:05:50 ID: E6YJW4gq
(continue from >>477)

This is the cruel theory of 2ch. We have already have a dead body of
a lot of virtual hosts in oyster902 and banana3000.
The number of over 200, please see http://mumumu.mu/serverlist.html
at oyster902 section. 2ch gives the name for oyster902 and banana3000
to "memories.2ch.net" and "memories2.2ch.net", with affection for the past.

So, pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03 are old.
I think we would operate 4) in the above.
479 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/14 (日) 04:07:41 ID: E6YJW4gq

Mochiron, we can set two or more virtual hosts per server without
any additional IP address if it is technically needed, it is technically
very easy, only Apache's matter.

Really, in 2ch, we already set virtual hosts more than 2 to some servers.
e.g. banana3206 have three virtual hosts, academy6.2ch.net,
science6.2ch.net, and society6.2ch.net. These virtual hosts have
different board settings, for good BBS operations.

so, if we needed two or more virtual hosts per server technically
and operationally, we can _add_ more two virtual hosts _atode_.
As I wrote before, it is technically easy.

That's all.
I believe our tomorrow is better than today.
Let's play a game together.

-- Mumumu, your friend
480 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/14 (日) 04:31:12 ID: E6YJW4gq
And Jim-san,

I don't know any not technical matters (financial, and so on) of bbspink.
If your request about four virtual host is derived from not technical reason,
it is completely my outside.

I only help you from a technical aspect of BBS operation,
because I am engineer.

483 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1824454);] : 2008/01/14 (日) 05:28:08 ID: E6YJW4gq
Sorry for my wording is so poor.

Of course, if you need four or more virtual hosts, you can set them.

It is only I wanted to say is that two or four new names are not
pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03.
They have different names, and I've relieved you understand it probably.

Again, of course, you can add virtual hosts as for your demand.
You are owner of bbspink.com. Please relax.
And I make only a technical matter the present topic...
I am only a technical helper.
485 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1459744);] : 2008/01/14 (日) 05:31:25 ID: E6YJW4gq

May I have a question?

Mochiron, you can have two or more IP address per server,
it is technically easy, you and I already know.

But, Apache can set two or more virtual hosts in the same IP address,
it saves IP address resources.

Do you have special reasons for separate IP address?
487 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1094843);] : 2008/01/14 (日) 05:39:57 ID: E6YJW4gq
Ok, >>486

I collect the result of the discussion as follows:

1) I (= Jim-san) don't want to reduce the number of servers in the appearance.
2) So, I want to set four names and IP addresses totally.
3) I know their names are different from pie, sakura01, sakura02 and sakura03.

Are they correct?
489 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4377986);] : 2008/01/14 (日) 05:49:03 ID: E6YJW4gq
Ok, thank you.

I believe all of them are technically easy.

But, I am not sure that whether it is operational or not.
I want to ask the opinion of Pirori-san and other guys.
492 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(5107687);] : 2008/01/14 (日) 05:59:34 ID: E6YJW4gq
>>487 抄訳

1) 私(Jim-san)は、見かけ上のサーバの数を減らしたくない。
2) ということで、私は4つの名前とIPアドレスをほしい。
3) それらが pie sakura01 sakura02 sakura03 ではない名前になることは承知している。
493 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4378368);] : 2008/01/14 (日) 06:01:39 ID: E6YJW4gq
Hmm, now I think we can set four names for two new servers.

> I want to ask the opinion of Pirori-san and other guys.
495 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2188883);] : 2008/01/14 (日) 06:03:25 ID: E6YJW4gq
Mochiron, bbspink is your bbs.
You decide it in the last.
Only I help you.
499 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/14 (日) 06:27:13 ID: E6YJW4gq
>>498 said, "Sleeper is loser."

It is the famous 2ch slung, "Netara Make-gumi."
500 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2008/01/14 (日) 06:28:37 ID: E6YJW4gq
Oh, no. It should be "slang", not "slung"...

My English is still so poor.