
104 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2007/12/28 (木) 05:49:04 ID: EDKcCc1L
Hi Jim,
MUMUMU gave us the basic knowledge on the remote host access regulation of 2-channel.
So we would like to share it with you to be on the same page, although you might know it already.

Currently, 2-channel has four types of remote host access regulation.
- Not allowed to post to all servers (both 2-channel and bbspink)
- Not allowed to post to all bbspink servers
- Not allowed to post to specific servers
- Not allowed to post to specific boards

And he said he thinks it is not a realistic way to modify the given bbs.cgi when applying it to bbspink, in other words it should be used as it is.
107 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2007/12/28 (木) 07:31:02 ID: EDKcCc1L
Jim-san, ありがとう for your reply.
I also pray... いのります。

BTW, we wanna to be in a contemporary information loop always together with you and 79.
So we will write down something new or unconvincing here as much as possible, to avoid communication gaps that could cause たいへんだぁ.
109 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2007/12/28 (木) 07:50:41 ID: EDKcCc1L
pray = いのる --> (formal) いのります
enormous = ものすごい、でっかい、きょだいな

for example,
おれのかのじょは ものすごい きょにゅう = My girlfriend has enormous breasts.
114 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2007/12/28 (木) 08:48:14 ID: EDKcCc1L
I love sensitive ones...