
826 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/29 (月) 00:10:37 ID: Gw6AgjpI
Yomi doesn't mean heaven.
The world of the dead.
Is it the sensitivity of the American to associate death from sex?
828 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/29 (月) 00:25:41 ID: Gw6AgjpI
It means the world of the dead for many Japanese. Regrettable.
830 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/29 (月) 00:51:40 ID: Gw6AgjpI
her name 暦. KOYOMI means Calendar.
For example,Qiufen,Chunfen,Xiazhi,Dongzhi. If it's now,Lichun the first day of the spring.
Japanese has the custom which throws soybeans to the fictitious demon and refuses malice on this previous day.
That's called 'Setsubun'or'Mamemaki'
831 : 名無し編集部員 [age] : 2008/01/29 (月) 01:09:44 ID: Gw6AgjpI
A man who has that was going to call the son 'devil', and it was rejected, and it had been blamed all Japan.
The same unpleasant feeling as that case is felt for you.