
57 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2007/12/27 (水) 00:42:10 ID: JCqg9naA
what do you mean?
69 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2007/12/27 (水) 14:45:10 ID: JCqg9naA
Thank you Jim-san!
I didn't know that phrase. Now I'm smarter than before!
By the way, I'm really glad we BBSPINK members survived those tough events
of the past few days.
Of course, I know there are lots of problem remained unsolved.
And I know those problems have to be solved because they are the main point
of this issue.
It's gonna be tough work.
However, now I just wanna express my gratitude to people who saved my favorite
thread! Thank you all including you and Hiroyuki the master of 2ch who must
have worked hard to get us through that ARASHI's terrible attack.
We can't see each other directly, so it's difficult to grab what's going on
underthe table. But I believe people are trying hard to improve BBSPINK.
Anyway, thank you!
Sorry for my poor english!