
700 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 15:44:30 ID: Yc53FI0v
I'm not one of the people doing this project,
but I think what ◆EROyVmNwwM. is trying to say that they want you keeping up with their project.
After all you're the administrator of bbspink, in order to do any kind of project,
we need your permission to do something.

Anyway, do you understand what they are trying to do?
702 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 15:50:59 ID: Yc53FI0v
If u can give me some time, i think i can give u a simple summary of the thread.
704 : probably something like this... [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 16:12:16 ID: Yc53FI0v
Project objective : To make "Setsumei-nin" (People who explains; Explainer)
Since bbspink is using 2ch's posting control system, we (bbspink users) should cooperate in order to make the system work better.
"Setsumei-nin" will take the work to give and take information both ways, which we think it will be a good start for cooperation.

1. Because of 2ch's posting control, people in bbspink got caught, which lead to making complains to 2ch's operators.
2. At the same time, people in bbspink didn't have a strong opinion in using 2ch's system, and some people start thinking it was annoying.
3. Then the trouble suddlenly occured last year, which made us think more about taking communication and cooperating.

What "Setsumei-nin" does:
"Setsumei-nin" will explain to people who get in trouble because of the 2ch's posting control system.
Before people goes to 2ch operator, "Setsumei-nin" will give sources and lead them to place where they can talk how the problem can be improved.

This is just only a draft, and we are planning to finish it up by studying about 2ch's system at the same time.
But since this activaty will also be held outside of bbspink (in 2ch), we need to be careful there are no mistakes,
therefore we need Jim-san's knowledge and cooperation.
707 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 16:26:22 ID: Yc53FI0v
709 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 16:32:45 ID: Yc53FI0v
>>708 np:)
>I am afraid some new people will decide something without realizing the original purpose of things.
So you're not really agreeable with making "Setsumei-nin"?
711 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 16:37:39 ID: Yc53FI0v
so can i tell to the project members that "Jim-san will cooperate to make it good."?

Also, do you have any specific opinions against the Project at this point?
713 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 16:53:15 ID: Yc53FI0v
The purpose of the project is "to avoid collision with 2ch's operators".
But not every bbspink users will take communication with 2ch,
so we need to have some bbspink users that will have information about 2ch's posting control
in order to explain the normal bbspink users.
this will prevent the normal bbspink users to go and complain to 2ch"s operators.

If we had this kind of "Setsumei-nin" last year, we could have avoided that happening.
716 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 17:01:39 ID: Yc53FI0v
since i dont know much about the system right now, i cant comment you,
but i am sure that ◆EROyVmNwwM can.
But he said that he'll sleep tonight, so I think he'll come tomorrow.

I'll just leave a japanese translation here.

>irate users will not follow the rules anyway.
very true...
717 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 17:02:28 ID: Yc53FI0v
The happening that occured the end last year.
719 : 714の日本語訳 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 17:07:04 ID: Yc53FI0v
720 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 17:13:26 ID: Yc53FI0v
was that only an "accident"?
I'm not sure the problem around there, but while i was reading the thread, it is written as
723 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 17:31:21 ID: Yc53FI0v
I don't know much, but according to my memory, I think it wasn't an accident...
I think that FOX done it intentionally...(he seemed mad?)

I think ◆EROyVmNwwM and the project members knows a lot about what really happened.

724 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 17:31:53 ID: Yc53FI0v
whoz Kt So? lol
727 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 17:39:23 ID: Yc53FI0v
er... well i think she is pretty, but she's only pretty and not "beautiful"

"星りょう" is much better :P
731 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/20 (土) 18:20:54 ID: Yc53FI0v
I got an answer about 714.
Reporters are only an stand-alone person, not a person from 2ch or bbspink.
It is your job to say
"bbspink reports should be made to bbspink, and link that to housekeeping or deleter"

I gtg soon, but I will check here and the other threads tomorrow.