
552 : ◆Y6TSuDSPWc [sage] : 2008/01/15 (月) 07:49:21 ID: sNlfc3IU
Hello Jim-san.
I have worked at the Transulation thread for these past 1 month and put a trip on myself today.
I am looking forward to working for you and BBSPINK in the upcoming year.

You don't have to worry about the language.
I really respect your diligence :D

By the way, please count on us, translators more until you get Japanese under your belt.
It looks like there are some comunication gaps becouse of machine translation's imperfection.
Yeah, I don't write English very well as you see, but there are a lot of volunteers.
We'll be able to write better English with our teamwork.

553 : ◆Y6TSuDSPWc [sage] : 2008/01/15 (月) 07:53:07 ID: sNlfc3IU
Good night Jim-san.
557 : ◆Y6TSuDSPWc [sage] : 2008/01/15 (月) 12:04:56 ID: sNlfc3IU
I respect your opinion, but there appears to be a under misunderstanding.
I don't intend to(wouldn't like to neither) take away your voice.
just would like to be a superior translator than machines.
Don't forget comunication gaps caused previous crisis.
We should eliminate the threat posed by that as much as possible
558 : ◆Y6TSuDSPWc [sage] : 2008/01/15 (月) 12:12:08 ID: sNlfc3IU
×:a under misunderstanding
○:a misunderstanding

Ooops, mistake about misunderstanding?