192 : yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 [sage] : 2007/12/30 (土) 04:03:07 ID: tUwgHO9G >>189 Jim-san, NAS(NASU-Banana) is an old model. eBanana is a new model. http://www.maido3.com/server/ebanana/ You must talk to Fox-san before ordering a server. Regards,
194 : yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 [sage] : 2007/12/30 (土) 04:18:25 ID: tUwgHO9G >>193 that's great. http://sakura02.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1170829299/835 > 835 :びふぃ :2007/12/29(土) 14:13:32 0 > ぞうさんができたら、次へ進むんです。 > はやくできないかなぁ びふぃ-san said, If eBanana is made, I can carry out next activity. I want eBanana delivered early.
204 : yume ◆Yume.xMgf6 [sage] : 2007/12/30 (土) 04:55:32 ID: tUwgHO9G http://sakura02.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinknanmin/1170829299/1,788 > くれぐれも先走らないように、←重要 > 788 :びふぃ :2007/12/14(金) 18:41:56 0 > 1) すら終わっていないのに 5) の話をしても・・・ Be not forward.(Do not jump the gun.)