92 : 79 ◆KNjk6EeN.w : 2008/05/03 (金) 20:09:55 ID: xzGjBFmi
98 : 79 ◆KNjk6EeN.w : 2008/05/04 (土) 01:03:07 ID: xzGjBFmi
If there is an interest in Bank Transfer. I can set this up for domestic transfers inside of Japan.
It is completely possible, but it depends on the interest.
Are you suggesting different levels of service for different prices?
That sounds very difficult, and it is already a low price for an entire year.
103 : 79 ◆KNjk6EeN.w : 2008/05/04 (土) 04:39:54 ID: xzGjBFmi
>>99 How about comp801.
English composition is sometimes referred to as English comp.
801comp or comp801 sound good to me. composition is a little long.