このやりとりで、◆EROyVmNwwMさんは (引用) 649 名前: ◆EROyVmNwwM [sage] 投稿日: 2008/09/14(日) 10:35:06 ID:e5OpGUWp The kiddie porn is a prohibition in PINK. However, a malignant PINK channel user exists.
We are discussing opening a remote host of a malignant user to the public. A goddess of less than 18 years old habitually is discussed now. Moreover, I will report to ISP and the police, etc. by open to the public information.
However, this is a very difficult problem. I want to learn how Jim-san thinks. It discusses it by the following threads. (引用終わり)
のなかで「 I will report to ISP and the police, etc. by open to the public information. 」 と述べています。willなんですね。(ISPとか警察、その他の機関自発的に報告したい) どっからも、報告要請がないのに、です。(should なり mustでないのはなぜ?) しなければならない、としたい、はことなる。住人等とのディスカッションの途中で、Jimに 対しては「決裁を求めている」。で、あの発言に至るわけです。どんどん。 結論に至ってもいない14日のことです。
しかし、Jimさんからは最低限の指示が出ます。 (以下引用) 662 名前: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 投稿日: 2008/09/14(日) 18:56:13 ID:??? >>650 wktk >>649 It is not acceptable. If you find it, please delete it. おねがい します (引用終わり) 彼は、「If you find it, please delete it.」と述べているのです。「報告したい」という◆EROyVm NwwMさんの主張についてはスルーしているw 彼としては、リモホさらしも言及せず、「見つけたらさ く じ ょ で お ね が い し ま す」 とだけ述べているのです。
664 名前: ◆EROyVmNwwM [sage] 投稿日: 2008/09/14(日) 19:44:08 ID:e5OpGUWp >>662 I am not Deretar. 79-san and we think that not only the deletion but also the solution is necessary for a malignant habitually, user. The access log of the user of malice is disclosed, and it reports. It is discussed now.>>649Thread (悪意のユーザーのログは公開されていない、それを報告「する」) (議論中) 【この書き込みでwould reportとかではなく、断定的に述べているので666の返答となる】 Is the problem solved only by the deletion? (削除行為だけで問題は解決するか)
666 名前: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 投稿日: 2008/09/14(日) 19:49:17 ID:??? >>664 Please report it. (報告してください)
669 名前: ◆EROyVmNwwM [sage] 投稿日: 2008/09/14(日) 20:08:52 ID:e5OpGUWp >>666 Is it a content of the discussion about the thread? Or, is it working as the report system? (それはスレッドでやるべきでしょうか、それとも他の報告システムとして機能させるべきでしょうか)
670 名前: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 投稿日: 2008/09/14(日) 20:22:54 ID:??? >>669 Please report the habitual offender you have found. (常習犯は見つけ次第報告してください)
【Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10】 714 名前: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 投稿日: 2008/09/20(土) 16:13:12 ID:??? >>712 Thank you for thinking about my health...:) I am sorry if you were deleted by mistake. I am responsible when that happens. I didn't do it though. げおめんあさい すみーません orz
1. They do not have legal responsibility. 2. Somewhere in Japan I guess. Words are not against the law in the USA. There are no images on Pink Channel. 3. Volunteers have no legal responsibility. 4. Really? I never thought that way. We also have a site policy here. These questions you ask are addressed in it. http://www.bbspink.com/sitepolicyj.JPG
最後に、 (23) 4.A Japanese male and the appearance which is a lady in particular look childish for European and American people. Even if the person herself who exhibited pictures declares"I'm an adult.", is the act eliminated in beheading way proper by the appearance?
(Jim) 4. Really? I never thought that way. We also have a site policy here. These questions you ask are addressed in it. http://www.bbspink.com/sitepolicyj.JPG