460 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/06/08 (日) 03:53:16 ID: QVIBmQ1M
"草生やす" = putting some "w" at the end of sentence. this "w" means "laugh."

But in Japan,
the more you use "w", the more you look unsmart.
461 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/06/08 (日) 03:55:53 ID: QVIBmQ1M

462 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/06/08 (日) 04:23:04 ID: IWwPO9ZJ
We shouldn't classify those as pos. or neg. because every single person might have different oppinion on how much they put ws.
This is my oppinion, but ワロスwwwwwwww seems more frank and used by the youngers, while ワロタw seems just more arkward in this community. The more ws they use, the more they seem to be trying to enjoy to me.
But this is just my thought.
463 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/06/08 (日) 05:06:14 ID: QVIBmQ1M
> while ワロタw seems just more arkward in this community.
why do you think so?

I know what you mean, but "ワロスwwwwwwwwwwwwww",
seeing this makes me feel the same as when I see "it's so funny. lololololol. "
and I know many people who don't like those posts.
In my humble opinion, I think we shouldn't use too much "w" except in the "VIP Board".
464 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/06/08 (日) 06:37:20 ID: FZvmQ79Z
have u ever seen posts like "草民氏ね","草い" or "VIPでやれ"?
i often see em everywhere in 2ch and bbspink.

as one ex-"vipper", i feel sad about it.
now i dont use w at all.