
614 : 名無し編集部員 : 2009/06/30 (月) 03:24:37 ID: Lmk1zJzg
Eppur si muove. - Galileo Galilei

We have no infomation of the temperature of a lake.
How we know the temperature of a lake without touching water?
616 : 名無し編集部員 : 2009/06/30 (月) 03:53:17 ID: Lmk1zJzg
Do you have a thermometer? It's good.
You should teach people water temperature as possible aloud.
619 : 名無し編集部員 : 2009/06/30 (月) 10:49:36 ID: Lmk1zJzg
Yah, Mist.ca/QE-san would take penguins for people.
