
756 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. : 2009/07/16 (水) 09:41:25 ID: VQ/ltixy
And a little fat has no problem on our health.
Though of course policed rice has little fat.
757 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. : 2009/07/16 (水) 09:51:57 ID: VQ/ltixy
あれ?白米ってpolished riceじゃなかったっけ?そんな表現あるのか。
758 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. : 2009/07/16 (水) 13:12:48 ID: VQ/ltixy
Oh It's terrible!!
Hush my sweet baby Jim. Don't say a word.
Because the sandman will come soon.
759 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. [sage] : 2009/07/16 (水) 14:56:26 ID: VQ/ltixy
Good night Jim. Have a good dream.