
823 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/07/21 (月) 18:31:10 ID: bp6Xm642
Here Ferrum says.

"Ya, but now people have got technology to remove some factors that prevent assimilating nutrition.
So it is actually said to be not a problem to eat soy every day as long as you don't take them too much.
But the problem is you need to take iodine to go along with soy-saponin, so you should take enough seaweed kind as well.
One of Japanese food, sweet and spicy mix of Soy and Hijiki (*I don't know how to explain this.) is not only good-taste but also well-considered healthy food.
One thing, though, never eat raw soy. Make sure you cook it."

* ttp://farm1.static.flickr.com/72/173553178_fdf8b165a3.jpg
* ttp://japanesefooddictionary.blogspot.com/
  ↑search "hijiki" in that site. Btw, it reminds me of Japanese food that is little bit sad.
825 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/07/21 (月) 23:01:14 ID: bp6Xm642
I think they would make it more spicy if they made it.
Actually it's a typical Japanese food and not spicy.
829 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/07/22 (火) 01:59:34 ID: bp6Xm642
It was already about time. I almost even forgot about the eclipse for I cannot see it anyways.
I guess I should surf around in 2ch now.
831 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/07/22 (火) 02:59:03 ID: bp6Xm642
I wouldn't mind visiting Easter Island no matter when it is.
It has mysterious things and would let me feel some sense of what human is or something deep.