
398 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/06/01 (日) 00:48:58 ID: ejj6N6z6
I have had homemade sausage I don't know what kinda meat was used for.
It was good, but it had really weird feeling in my mouth; the skin was slick and rubberly, and the meat was almost melting so that once your effort worked well to tear the skin, it was is like spilling meat.
400 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/06/01 (日) 02:59:51 ID: ejj6N6z6
Yaya, it's a big reason and evidences of life to know new things.
And if I can make things better, it's wonderful.
My life must have bloomed in a past year; I changed a lot, I noticed.
How was your year? Well, it's weird to ask in the middle of a year, but I wanna know now.

How was you guys' year?