
818 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/07/20 (日) 15:01:45 ID: urV7sLjO
I tried soy milk awhile ago.
Some say people might like it even if they don't like milk.
My case was minus and minus. I didn't like milk and either do I like soy milk.
It tasted little bit sweeter and basically soy.
Sweet soy, it seems to have been made for both taste and health, but that taste didn't go along with me.
820 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/07/21 (月) 00:36:33 ID: urV7sLjO
Its taste could be changed or my mind is not so accurate that it made up something else.
Anyway, going to washroom was the best solution for last night.
821 : ◆Mist.ca/QE [sage] : 2009/07/21 (月) 01:33:16 ID: urV7sLjO
Jimmy, Ferrum goes, "soy has such great amount of trypsin inhibitor, saponin and such n such that it is not a good idea to take excess of it".