
510 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/17 (金) 11:42:26 ID: BwTHmtWS
bloody emojis!
515 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/17 (金) 13:22:28 ID: BwTHmtWS
there's no font containing valid set of emojis. they differs from cellular carrier to carrier(yes, carrier,
not manufactuturer), and there's no unified open standard for that. some of different emojis has
duplicate code between carriers. Google is trying to put them onto unicode, but there're a lot to do.
iPhone is supporting emoji for SoftBank, and there may be some chance to extract them as a font. or
except for that, I don't know how to let PC show emoji. that's a big mess.