
300 : 名無し編集部員 : 2009/10/09 (木) 01:59:57 ID: LZxwg9AL
Hello. Mr. jim.

There are some questions about the idea of your MARU obligation.

Why do you think that you make MARU indispensable to solve the troll problem?
Isn't it possible to adopt other methods to solve the troll problem?
Why did it become an idea to collect money from users?
In the idea of your indispensable making MARU, besides, is there a reason?
Is it a reason for money of management besides the troll problem solving?
Why do not you think the translator and deleters are employed for a fee?
It for is management and communication for this BBS.

You do want to collect money and abolish the bulletin board?
We request a clear explanation from you if differing.

I'm sorry my English ..strange...
305 : 300 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 03:36:35 ID: LZxwg9AL
Thank you for these answer.

These questions are things to bring several opinions together.
Therefore, it was written as not I but We.
I do not have will the irresponsible remark.
However, it apologizes if it hindered your nature. I am so sorry.

I will take here your answers.
Please wait for the summary of the discussion about our MARU obligation.

Thank you!


- Does not employing the translator and the rasure shop think it is necessary ahead of the obligation?
306 : 300 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 03:42:11 ID: LZxwg9AL
the rasure shop→deleter
310 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 04:07:19 ID: LZxwg9AL
つ (汗)(汗)(汗)
312 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 04:14:56 ID: LZxwg9AL
つ 汗ビール

te iuka Jimsan kotae kudasina. onagaisiatsu.
314 : 300 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 04:38:30 ID: LZxwg9AL
辯?? ←What a f××k is this?


汗ビール→kan beer(Canned beer) →sweat beer  

・・・・・・・By the way, do it answer and may I have it? www
317 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 04:59:47 ID: LZxwg9AL
Jimsan your so fanny.

I do not have wanting drink of the beer with a lukewarm smell like the sweat.
A Belgian beer is also delicious though Bud is good.
318 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 05:11:18 ID: LZxwg9AL
>te iuka Jimsan kotae kudas(a)ina. onagaisi(m)a[t]su.
 →て言うか、ジムさん 答え 下さいな。 お願いします。
 →By the way, do it answer and may I have it? 

This is not a dialect but a Roman alphabet.
320 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 05:26:05 ID: LZxwg9AL
I like cold Bud more.
Does not "Beer like the urination of the horse" have the word? ww

Belgian beer:Duvel I like cold Bud more.
Does not "Beer like the urination of the horse" have the word? ww

Belgian beer:Duvel (General. Taste near dark beer)
La Chimay Rouge (General. Faint, sweet smell)

Looking for the thing suited one's taste is happy because there are terribly a lot of kinds.
321 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 05:27:38 ID: LZxwg9AL

I like cold Bud more.
Does not "Beer like the urination of the horse" have the word? ww

Belgian beer:Duvel (General. Taste near dark beer)
La Chimay Rouge (General. Faint, sweet smell)

Looking for the thing suited one's taste is happy because there are terribly a lot of kinds.
323 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 05:34:28 ID: LZxwg9AL
urination・・・・・・piss? may be. should be
324 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 05:36:43 ID: LZxwg9AL
I think it is general in modern days.
327 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 06:23:48 ID: LZxwg9AL
將 ??? → I must say that again "What a F**k is this"

Is it this thing?
syou? 小便(syou-benn)?
o! general?
I mean

Oh... The F**k one is me. orz
me and Translation machine are F**k.
328 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 06:34:23 ID: LZxwg9AL
It was fanny time. Thanks Jim-san
It is time that I go out.

By the way, do it answer and may I have it? >>305

329 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/09 (木) 06:48:09 ID: LZxwg9AL
Again at the end

>>328 Supplementation
Will you increase the number of those who delete it more?
Will you think that the translator is necessary?
Are they : even for a fee?
Will you make it before deciding the MARU rule?
