
864 : trip ◆sO35uw8r6o [sage] : 2009/11/05 (水) 03:59:44 ID: MlJT31t3
omg no translation for days...

2009/11/05(木) 05:31:30 ID:srs/pSaH
p2 lockout in venus? I see no positive effect here lol

2009/11/05(木) 06:27:58 ID:5i1BrGXY
Trolls take any measure to maintain posting to secure their last fortress,
Megamis and people don't need to stick to this place.
It's clear which will remain on board with this lockout, I think.
Are you doing it intentionally?

2009/11/05(木) 07:02:48 ID:t3Qzc3UG
nearly 1k LR violation in short period
If the lockout is an action against it
just keep on fighting

you're leaving it halfway done. they take it light.

[859]RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★<>
2009/11/05(木) 07:55:26 ID:???

2009/11/05(木) 10:13:14 ID:KQm59WwY
Megami board is so fourtunate, for Jim-san is taking good care of it.
Wouldn't you do something about Dojin board?

2009/11/05(木) 12:08:36 ID:28P+Ftx7
We have to ban all of p2, Maru, and ISP troll's using.

[863]RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★<>
2009/11/05(木) 12:26:01 ID:???