
59 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. [sage] : 2009/09/09 (火) 00:35:05 ID: XcQdrdx3
Good morning デブ.

There is no noticeable change in the patient's condition.
He will eat a lot and become a fatty more. His condition is grave as before.
60 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. [sage] : 2009/09/09 (火) 03:28:04 ID: XcQdrdx3
I can say that.
A human contracts an illness because of an excessive intake of tranquilizer,
or because of an excessive stress.
Balance is very important.

It's my prescription for you.
62 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. [sage] : 2009/09/09 (火) 08:39:12 ID: XcQdrdx3
Hum. I am surprised a little.

Perhaps... No.
Because the sickness of BBSPINK is loss of species diversity.
Species diversity cannot be recovered only by addition of my existence.

But I will be clearly one of a rare kind species(caps: ★), as you know well.
65 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. [sage] : 2009/09/09 (火) 08:48:17 ID: XcQdrdx3
rare kinds of speciesね。
68 : フェルム ◆P2CH/FDim. : 2009/09/09 (火) 09:57:17 ID: XcQdrdx3
