
468 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/16 (木) 10:01:08 ID: s3In4AMl

>>>453 mankatsu
At first I didn't get why TOEIC on your cap, but it's feels like
introducing yourself, so now I like that name.

If you had any recommendation for your translations, please let that people handle it.
I've seen many translation volunteers left here because of conflicts in meta-translations,
translations for casual word usages, idioms or popular words. From that each time you
note your translations as "direst translation" I guess you've already got through similar
experiences. Please stick on your style. Your effort is helping us a lot, and it'll be a big
issue if you ever choose to leave here...

// rough translation for reference only
469 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/10/16 (木) 10:13:32 ID: s3In4AMl
I forgot to add important stuff;
-468 is a translation for latter half of >>465.
-I see no nagative attitude from 465. Instead he's looking relieved.