
925 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/11/07 (金) 09:54:36 ID: unLaIupA 🧦
I want to run for it.
How and where do I apply volunteer?
927 : ◆a.l.mlvFv3O2 [sage] : 2009/11/07 (金) 11:37:14 ID: unLaIupA
Well, it seems embarrassing for me,
but I try to discuss with trip from now on.
Thank you.
929 : ◆a.l.mlvFv3O2 [sage] : 2009/11/07 (金) 11:49:16 ID: unLaIupA
megami, neet4pink, girls, ascii, feti, hneta etc. ///
931 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/11/07 (金) 12:12:22 ID: unLaIupA 🧦
Sometimes, I saw trolls. They seems crazy.
It may be hard for Jim-san and deleters to deal with it.
It requires a team-building and rules, I think.
933 : ◆a.l.mlvFv3O2 [sage] : 2009/11/07 (金) 12:29:07 ID: unLaIupA
I think local rules are criterion.
But it is not maintained for a long time.

翔-san discussed with it lately and it was completed in just a bit more.
He had a good job, I think.
935 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/11/07 (金) 12:37:36 ID: unLaIupA 🧦
Yes, I checked that site
and reported the vandalism to housekeeping board.
936 : ◆a.l.mlvFv3O2 [sage] : 2009/11/07 (金) 12:38:48 ID: unLaIupA
sorry, I still unaccustomed to trip.
938 : ◆a.l.mlvFv3O2 [sage] : 2009/11/07 (金) 13:23:19 ID: unLaIupA
Yes, I'm just a Japanese adult erotica. haha-
941 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/11/07 (金) 13:46:55 ID: unLaIupA 🧦
I'm writing this with a dictionary.
I really enjoyed talking with you. Thank you.