120 :●:2010/05/29(土) 02:14:34 ID:WGdWLi1M I don't need any VPN things and I'm not using p2 to bypass regulations. It's just so convenient for me to view 2ch and pink. You'd better try looking pink through p2. You'll see how it works, even without posting previllages.
122 :●:2010/05/29(土) 02:30:15 ID:WGdWLi1M Not always people want to do something special. p2 needs no dedicated client. With just a browser I can browse through the boards as I do with those software. And I can share logs and bookmarks with my devices. That's what it's great, and what people want.
123 :名無し編集部員:2010/05/29(土) 02:36:50 ID:oAedt4Zj >>121 _PINK_\.razil.jp Add this to lists of regulated. And things will be their problem, not pink's. If they have any problem aki-san or Brazil will contact you, and that's better than to discuss matters with users.
127 :名無し編集部員:2010/05/29(土) 04:53:59 ID:sIHG5P+P I got my one for both my work and the pink. There're lots of servers blocking Japanese IPs. I hear about lots of p2 disruptions while it is easy to use Not having to show personal IP is so great
あなたの周りで起きていることは正直鬱陶しいです。 さっさとやりたいようにやってくれって感じです。 そんなことはどうでもよいのです。あなたのサイトでは。 あなたがpink民のことをきにかけているのは分かっています。 それが住民抜きの決断が難しい理由でもあるのでしょう。 良い一日を。 the things going on around you now is really bothering me too. i'd like to say "go ahead and do whatever you wanna do." in the end,it really doesn't matter,this is your site. but i also understand how much you care for bbspink user. that's why it is hard for you to make a decision without them.i feel for you. at least ,you have a great great day!!
Really? I thought it would be from some popular translation engine. It do give me rough idea of what it's trying to say but phrase like "ある何が" is a clear sign of mechanical translations in its process.