
281 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2011/05/18 (火) 07:48:08 ID: BaLQWy7f
Dear Jim-san

This is my first letter to you.

I always use bbspink happily, However, I may be sad.
The sorrow is that a volunteer abandons volunteer activity.

Though a volunteer has a right to carry out a duty, I abandon the right and do nothing.
I think that there is not a volunteer abandoning a right by a volunteer anymore.
How does JIM think about the volunteer who abandoned a right?

Best Regards.
284 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2011/05/18 (火) 11:07:54 ID: BaLQWy7f

Thank you for an answer.

I say that a volunteer abandons a right that I wrote.

They do not have the duty.
They abandon a right.

They do not carry it out while having a right.

If they abandoned a right, there is not the qualification of the volunteer.