
819 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2012/01/24 (月) 05:20:52 ID: JVXAtiOE
I've reprinted >>775 to the thread that guys related with
2ch server settings are watching but it seems that none of them
have access to rc.conf on the servers.

NTTec guys may have access for those "non-root" servers, while there
seems to be no one that has the access for those "root" servers since
Mumumu-san's retirement.
820 : 819 [sage] : 2012/01/24 (月) 05:30:27 ID: JVXAtiOE
> I've reprinted >>775 to the thread that guys related with

Of course I meant >>807 not >>775
Sorry for the typo.
822 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2012/01/24 (月) 05:40:20 ID: JVXAtiOE