
574 : ●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [sage] : 2011/08/12 (木) 10:33:52 ID: Pl3oNhrE
You may have noticed the change in Mamemaki. We have made what has been worked on live.
There are still a lot of bugs, but we will fix and work those out. Please give it a try.
Bookmarking, posting, email notification. It works very nicely.
We can only make it better if you tell me what you want in it.
575 : 自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA : 2011/08/12 (木) 11:16:24 ID: Pl3oNhrE
Me too. I am getting sleepy.
576 : 自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA : 2011/08/12 (木) 11:17:17 ID: Pl3oNhrE
Good evening Jun-san. I am glad you are feeling better.