
953 : Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU : 2012/05/28 (日) 20:00:38 ID: jQQF5V4d
Does bbspink allow board whole mirroring? (with affiliate link)
There're many exist. >>740
955 : Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU : 2012/05/29 (月) 00:31:13 ID: jQQF5V4d
Could I report abuse for these violation sites?
956 : Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU : 2012/05/29 (月) 00:41:12 ID: jQQF5V4d
to improve MARU revenue, we would more strict these leech contents sites.
958 : Misuzuya ◆59RRzBueiU : 2012/05/29 (月) 08:27:50 ID: jQQF5V4d
I checked these >>740 sites, all of them except last one are still working..