350 :
: 2011/05/23 (日) 23:19:40
>>344 Japanese to English translation > How many active, seems to have made no contribution to that understanding. > ERO think it probably has to deal with the vast amount of information that's just how w
The Kina Hiroshi mistake. It is less to someone else, it points out is a mistake.
And have helped, do you have anything to contribute? What is management? What is ERO contributions to individual self-satisfaction? Do you understand the facts are showing as having been active as a leader who issues a volunteer? From one person to have been held as a result, the case stalled, ERO Do you understand the fact that individuals become 属人?
[Help] words should be directed, to contribute to the ERO or the user understand the fact that the neglected?
Administrators do not report anything to the ERO, good administrators are volunteers. The only one who faced challenges in the ERO, the volunteers immersed harmful complacent. Opinions and wishes to leave the ERO from the user, the user is evil volunteers.
Please reconfirm the fact.
I had to translate this. It is strange after translating too. I am sorry I do not understand. Are the users evil?